On the Ontological Impossibility of Jesus of Nazareth being the Only Begotten Son of God


I will in this MyTake proven exhaustively two key facts:

1) Jesus of Nazareth is NOT one and the same as the God the Father, and Jesus of Nazareth is NOT the Only Begotten Son of God.

2) There actually IS an "Only Begotten Son of God", who's existence is rationally derivable, but he has never become a mortal man.

On the Ontological Impossibility of Jesus of Nazareth being the Only Begotten Son of God

In addition to claiming to being "The Only Begotten Son of God", Jesus of Nazareth actually claimed to be one and the same as God the Father (The Greatest Conceivable Being). There are problems here everywhere. The Greatest Conceivable Being is not rationally required to be able to perform nonsense actions and other logical inconsistencies, because those are not real entities. An eternal Being cannot logically become a mortal being and experience physical death, and then supposedly reclaim immortality. Moreover, the Greatest Conceivable Being is not contained by his own Creation, and so the Greatest Conceivable Being could not be contained in the form of a mortal body anyway, and Solomon actually said so in the Old Testament, "The Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee (God)."

Jesus claimed God the Father was "in Heaven" but this contradicts the Old Testament Prophets, and it contradicts logic. God is not a part of his own Creation, therefore God does not sit on a throne "in heaven" and God is not even "in heaven" at all. God exists outside of and independently of his own Creation, and no aspect of God's own eternal existence is a created entity.

The Real Only Begotten Son of God would not need to eat or sleep or even breathe as Jesus did, and the Real Only Begotten Son of God would not misquote the Law of Moses as Jesus did on several occasion, redefining "false witness", redefining "adultery" and redefining the terms of the EVERLASTING Covenant of the Old Testament, and so on. There cannot rationally be a New Covenant for several reasons, but mainly because the Old Covenant is EVERLASTING and because the Copernican Principle actually forbids God from changing His covenant. So there is no such thing as a "New Covenant" between God and Man, as that would require God to change his moral nature, which both the Copernican Principle and the original Covenant forbid.

So does God actually have an "Only Begotten Son of God?" The short answer is "yes" and this is derivable through Objective Reason.

Why would God produce an Only Begotten Son?

The burden of Proof is on the person making the claim, therefore when God claims to be the actual Creator of all reality outside himself, he is morally required to provide rational evidence to all other Free Moral Agent Beings at some point during the history (or future)of existence itself. God, being being both all-knowing and perfectly righteous, knows that He is in fact morally required to prove his own identity. There is only one conceivable proof of the identity of the Greatest Conceivable Being, and that proof has two aspects.

1) The Greatest Conceivable Being must create every conceivable reality.

2) The Greatest Conceivable Being must create the greatest conceivable Creation. And the Greatest conceivable Creation would be a Created Being as close to being God himself as Logically possible.

It is not possible for God to perfectly clone himself. For example, even a clone would lack some of the properties of the original God. A clone could not be past eternal. And a clone could not be the First Cause. And a clone could not bear the property of Almightiness. and a clone could not bear the property of being uncaused. Etc and so on. So the maximum Created Being must be finite in every attribute. Even though this being would be "the closest being to God other than God himself," it would obviously not be one and the same as God himself (as Jesus claimed he was). Again, the Only Begotten Son of God cannot be equal to God in any conceivable attribute, nevermind the claim of being equal to God in all attributes made by Jesus himself and made by Paul of Tarsus. Paul claimed that Jesus was, "The entirety of the Godhead Dwelling Bodily", which is an Ontological Impossibility and is certainly contradicted by the Gospels when we see "The Father" (Allegedly) Speaking to Jesus (allegedly from heaven). In the Gospels when we actually "hear" the Father, he is never one and the same as Jesus, he is a separate Being implied to be strictly greater than Jesus, EXCEPT in the passage where Jesus, in the Gospel of John, speaking to Philiip claimed to be equal to the Father.

The Only Begotten Son of God cannot create every conceivable reality, for several reasons. The Son of God is not Almighty. The original God already has created every conceivable reality, so the Son of God cannot duplicate the original work, as that would be inconceivable that someone other than the True Creator could create reality is an inconceivable claim. Therefore the Only Begotten Son of God cannot be the Creator. Therefore the doctrine of the Trinity is falsified without even referencing the frauds of the man Jesus. I'll say that again, the Only Begotten Son of God cannot be the Creator. The only begotten Son of God can theoretically procreate (perhaps) but he cannot theoretically Create, because he does not bear the property of being the First Cause and he does not bear the property of Almightiness, and by definition there is only one conceivable Being that could bear the property of Almightiness, and that is The True Creator, and NOT the Creator's Son or Daughter, etc.

the Doctrine of the Trinity cannot be correct, because it claims all three "persons" of God are past-eternal, for example. But I just proved that the Only Begotten Son of God, as an actually Created Entity, CANNOT be past eternal, because no created entity can ever be past eternal, and moreover creation is also not a past eternal sequence of finite creations either. Creation is a past-finite event which is theoretically measurable. Not even an Almighty God can actually be involved in a past-infinite series of Creations, because there must actually be such a thing as the Beginning of his First Creation, which must actually be a past-finite event. So Jesus or the Holy Spirit, as Created Beings, could not be past infinite, and therefore the doctrine of the Trinity is blasphemy.

In order to actually be the "Son" of God, he must by definition be a Created Being, and a Created Being cannot be past infinite, and a Created Being cannot be the First Cause, and a Created Being cannot be Almighty, and a Created Being obviously cannot be uncaused. So the Only Begotten Son of God cannot be one and the same as God himself, and he cannot be equal to God in ANY attribute: Lacking Almightiness would automatically disqualify that claim, and the Son of God obviously lacks the property of Almightiness.

So in order to Prove his own identity, God must create the Greatest Conceivable Creation, so reality itself must be "maximized", and that means God must in fact create the Greatest Conceivable Created Being, and that happens to be "The Only Begotten Son of God".

Yes, the Only Begotten Son of God logically and morally must exist, but Jesus of Nazareth is not that Being.

On the Ontological Impossibility of Jesus of Nazareth being the Only Begotten Son of God
1 Opinion