Why it’s good to keep a low profile and a private life

Why it’s good to keep a low profile and a private life

One of the reasons I am active on this site everyday is because it is a private domain for me to secretly socialize and converse.

I have a very good reputation at church and with my high school friends and co workers and community friends, but I always avoid these people when they try to talk to me because I hate public relationships where everybody is able to track you and monitor your social patterns. I prefer secret and untraceable forms of social exchange.

Jesus said if you are invited to a banquet, do not take the most important seat in the feast, because a man more distinguished than you may have been invited and if you are both caught in the same context, you will be ousted by your more powerful rival and your status will be greatly reduced.

I believe Jesus means to conserve your social benefits and do not exploit every social liberty offered to you. Tell one person about your achievement and not 50 people. Tell about one A you received and don’t talk about every A you received. If you know somebody is willing to help you with 5 things, only accept help for one thing. Be conservative and modest about your social consumption and reputation benefit exploitation so you don’t become somebody else’s competition bait. I believe modest people are promoted by God and don’t need to promote themselves.

Why it’s good to keep a low profile and a private life
14 Opinion