Why You Shouldn't Tell People Your Secrets...

Why You Shouldn't Tell People Your Secrets...

You shouldn't tell people secrets that can have serious consequences if the wrong people or person found out about it. It can get to them directly or they can overhear it if it gets talked about. Sharing some other personal info is okay for sharing with close friends as long as it isn't in the previous category.

The person or people you tell likely has at least one person they'll tell, then that person has someone they'll tell and so on, it could eventually get to the wrong people.

Another reason, the person or people you tell could be talking about it then the wrong people could overhear your friends talking about it, then they'll know about it or get told about it.

Why You Shouldn't Tell People Your Secrets...

Also one of the people you told could be the type to tell your secret if you temporarily annoyed them or pissed them off.

Even if the person you tell doesn't talk about it ever, what happens when you aren't friends anymore? They now know those secrets and could tell anybody because they aren't your friend anymore.

When you pick something to share only tell something personal that won't effect you or the people involved much if found out, so it feels like your sharing with them too.

Why You Shouldn't Tell People Your Secrets...


- The wrong people can find out directly or overhear it when it's being talked about.

- Whether the person that knows tells at least one person, then that person tells another, and the cycle repeats with more people knowing each time

- Your friendship ends and they no longer keep your secret.

To seem like you're sharing as well you can share something personal, but not harmful to you or the people involved.

Why You Shouldn't Tell People Your Secrets...
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