What I think differentiates the saved from the sons of religion

What I think differentiates the saved from the sons of religion

Jesus said many people would feast in Heaven with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob but the sons of the kingdom would be thrown outside where there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth, so what does that mean?

To me the sons of God or of man are those who try to serve God, either by worshiping, humbling, tithing, praying, serving, donating, volunteering, forgiving, tolerating, reading, working, helping, crying, fasting, loving, seeking, pursuing, learning, and sacrificing.

While the sons of religion are the recreationally religious. They attend church barbecues because they are too lazy to cook, date bible study leaders because talking about God is easier than exercise, attend religious concerts cause they do not have money for movie tickets, and socialize with religious people because they need people to help them with their problems when they don’t believe in God.

In 2018, I met 2 mentally retarded people who pretended to believe in God because they wanted people at church to give them rides to parties, pay for their food and go on dates with them, these people are takers and not givers, so to me, being saved means your a giver, while being a child of church bureaucracy means your a taker, who leeches off the flock, taking from the community but never giving anything back.

What I think differentiates the saved from the sons of religion
1 Opinion