Two benefits of hardship and poverty - bible talk

Two benefits of hardship and poverty - bible talk

I notice a repeating pattern among my more successful and good looking Christians which is that the more benefits they have in life, the more likely they are to doubt the things I say about my faith in God. Now all Christians believe in God, but there are different degrees of Faith and different degrees of trust, and my experience has shown me, that the more successful believers are usually the bigger skeptics. I also feel my worship and emotional connection to God was stronger when my life was harder, I still have normal struggles like other people, but now that my pain has diminished, so has my capacity to appreciate and thank God and also so has my love and compassion for others, a lot of the Christian skeptics I knew were kind and considerate and caring, but because they had easy lives due to superior genes and intelligence, their capacity for faith was not the same as mine, they often accused me of lying when I suggested ideas that were beyond their life experience or too involved for them to understand.

Two benefits of hardship and poverty - bible talk
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