What I realized again this week about Maslow’s Hierarchy.

What I realized again this week about Maslow’s Hierarchy.

There was a psychologist named Maslow who invented a pyramid called Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In this pyramid, Maslow argues that human beings are interested in the physical components of their life when those things are under threat or uncertain. But after those things are fulfilled, people move on to more communal needs such as friendship and relationships and once those social needs have been met, people move on to their spiritual needs.

I believe this is true because I’ve seen it in my life. When my social needs had been met, I was concerned about gaining financial independence outside my family inheritance and when my financial needs were met, once I established my 7 book outlines, I realized all the money in the world could not make me happy if I was without anybody to love and I became more interested both in finding a husband and also in reconnecting with God. I realized that I needed God and maybe also a husband to be actually happy and that having friends and respect and money was not enough.

The bible says man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God and one side effect of this truth is that you cannot be happy without at least partial obedience to God and incremental spiritual growth. This is true regardless of how much money you have or how good you look. A life without God leads to depression. And for those who disagree: Philanthropy and kindness are aspects of God, such as volunteering for a charity or buying ice cream cones for children because Jesus said that those who love children, love the God who created them.

What I realized again this week about Maslow’s Hierarchy.
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