Three Daily Disciplines To Keep Yourself Grounded in God

Three Daily Disciplines To Keep Yourself Grounded in God

1. The first is to read religious verses every day. This gives you a series of tools to use as Arsenal for when you encounter situations and need validation or affirmation or acceptance, during those times you can draw on your knowledge of scripture for guidance.

2. The second is to learn from mentors or books or pod casts or YouTube videos or friends every week or to fellowship with other Christians in daily prayer or conversation time and to try to learn one new thing from other people every week. Collecting quotes is a good strategy for busy people who do not have time for that.

3. The third thing is to have private fellowship time with God alone or with a closed circle where you prayer or worship or fast or meditate or praise or engage in supplication and apologies for your misdeeds. This keeps you strong so you have the emotional energy to face life’s challenges.

Three Daily Disciplines To Keep Yourself Grounded in God
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