What the bible says about tests from God

What the bible says about tests from God

The Book of Daniel 11:32 says “With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.”

The way I understand this verse is that some of God’s children will be tested with power, honour, praise, riches, influence and the ones who abuse God’s love or the love of God’s children will be corrupted by the test.

Riches are not a blessing unless you use them to satisfy your basic needs and serve your community and God’s kingdom on earth, because the riches can corrupt you and make you forget your mission in life.

In essence riches are a lot like alcohol, they can get you addicted, punish you with delusions and hang overs, and cloud your wisdom and judgment and personal inner beauty in life.

Prayer on the other hand is a lot like water, an essential ingredient to life, that emanates in every pour and part of your being and defines the essence of your connection with all created beings, water is the fabric of nature and prayer is the fabric of a spiritual existence.

What the bible says about tests from God
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