What my Buddhist uncle said about lottery winners

What my Buddhist uncle said about lottery winners

My uncle says they did a scientific study of lottery winners in another country, they studied over 40 winners and out of those 40 who won the lottery, not one of them had a happy life, the only one who had a happy life after their lottery win was the one who gave all their winnings to charity.

When I was 24 I used to talk to a Jewish guy online about bible verses and after googling his name, I learned his house was bigger than the synagogue he lived close to. He was too lazy to work for a living but too embarrassed to let people know he was unemployed so he did nothing at all and was online for over 14 hours a day. He told me he was on antipsychotics to treat mental illness.

People think money or beauty or suitors or popularity or health will give them happiness but none of that matters, what truly brings happiness is God. The bible says those who chase gods of food or alcohol or drugs or beauty or reputation will increase in misery and be rejected by God’s people too.

Money and food and physical fitness might be necessary but that does not mean we should worship those things or base our lives on those things. What we should base our lives on is compassion and mercy and love and service and sacrifice, which is the only thing that brings true happiness.

What my Buddhist uncle said about lottery winners
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