How I Teach Myself Bible

How I Teach Myself Bible

There are three sources I access to get information on the bible that I think are relevant to you as well.

1. Observing patterns I see in the world.

For example, I noticed inclusive Christians tend to be happier so I concluded God was talking about inclusivity when He said to pursue His righteousness as a prerequisite for achieving help.

2. By deductive inferences through the extrapolation of situational limitations

For example, I concluded that houses are in proverbs are symbols for worshipers or worship in general because I realized that in Matthew, the house that was well built, was the religious faith that could not be shaken, and a religious faith is personalized to individuals and expressed in its synchronized form in worship.

3. By observing mistakes that other people make.

I offered a guy a pirated book I found online for free and instead of accepting my gift, he started name calling and telling me I was a thief. Based on that, I realized to swear by something holy, is to judge by a higher power and when Jesus said not to swear at all but simply say yes or no, it means do not judge others for their behaviours. Rather resort either to saying yes, you I will cooperate with you will on this, or no I decline my participation in this endeavour. To judge or assign moral evaluations and punishments to people is hateful and contrary to God’s Will.

How I Teach Myself Bible
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