GOOD NEWS (Religious only)

Gospel - Good News

Hi, I am anonymous. Today I want to talk to you about Mark 11:24 and we are going to take a deeper dive. A quick dive but deep.

23“Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him. 24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

I bolded the part I wish to talk to you about today. So first, we have to understand that prayer is happening all the time. Prayer never ceases. That may be counter to how you've thought about it up until now.

1. You have to understand that creation is done...

This means whatever you are praying for is done. You see everything in the universe is energy; everything. Energy vibrates. Everything vibrates because things is energy. Energy operates on frequency, rate of vibration. The only difference between one thing and another is frequency. This is what we mean when we say creation is finished. For instance, if you want a new phone number you can get one because they are frequencies. There are an infinite amount of them. It is finished... If you freeze water it will change its rate of vibration turning it into ice...

2. There is no line of demarkation between one frequency and another...

This means, all the things you want are within your reach. Creation is DONE. You just need to manifest it.

"believe that you have received it"

What that means is you must operate from the frequency of what you want. You must tune into that frequency. That frequency is a place way beyond our own current consciousness. The moment your belief matches with any state you fuse with it; state meaning frequency. Once you do that, you start to attract things in the same nature of that frequency. Also, your behavior starts to work in accordance with that frequency.

3. Paradigm controls the frequency

The paradigm is a mass of ideas and habits that work without conscious effort. You may have the habit of bitting your nails. You find it is unconscious. You have habits you don't even know about. Some of you are late all the time. Why? Because it is apart of your paradigm. The paradigm controls your logic, perception, it controls damn near everything. Your paradigm is the thing that tells you; you can't do it, you don't have the money, how are you going to do that, your not pretty enough etc... You see, because the self image is apart of the paradigm. You can never out work you paradigm. Why? Because it controls the behaviors AND the frequency you operate on most of the time. The frequency controls what you attract.

4. How do you get onto the frequency you need to be on and how do you change the paradigm?

Paradigm can only be altered two ways that we know. The first way isn't even worth mentioning. The second way is through constant space repetition. Remember the paradigm is just a mass of habits and ideas locked in the subconscious mind. If you are late all the time then you have to get the opposite idea to take root in your paradigm. One method is to record yourself with emotion, saying: I am so happy and grateful now that I show up early and prepared for all my commitments. Then listen to this on repeat and get emotionally involved with that idea. Do that for an hour a day for about 100 days and it will change the paradigm.

Getting on the frequency you need to be on is very similar. You must think from the goal and not of the goal. The future must become the present. Translate vision into being. You have to get emotionally involved with already having what you want. See yourself already there and get emotionally involved with that. Accept that idea. You want to hold that consciousness. It take conscious effort at first but sooner or later it will be unconscious. Act and feel like the person who already has what it is you want. That is what it means to BE. When you do that you are operating on the frequency of your goal and in that moment you have it. This isn't just some fancy idea. You really have it, but you have to stay there so it can manifest. Creation is already done; all you have to do it manifest it. When you start operating on that frequency things are going to start happening.

5. Control the flow

Now, you want to control the flow of thought energy. You cannot entertain a lot of doubt and worry. It blocks it. Faith leads to well being(not anxiety), that well being is expressed, that expression leads to acceleration, and that acceleration leads to creation.
"The only thing that can grow is the thing you focus on"
Remember, the paradigm and other people's paradigm is going to try to convince you you're crazy. It is gonna tell you all these reasons why you can't do it. You can't listen to it. You have to understand those ideas are coming from you paradigm. I cannot stress that enough.

6. Action - Reaction

When you are operating on the frequency of the good you desire your actions will start be in accordance with the good you desire. An angry person punches walls and talks loud to people... This is called inspired action; intuitive action. It is the attraction but also the action reaction that changes the circumstance, conditions, and environment in your life.

You believe by operating on the frequency of the good you desire. Believe you have received it.

"and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen"

The early greeks referred to the subconscious mind as the heart. The paradigm is in the subconscious. Remember, the paradigm controls what you attract. If you have bad ideas around money... You will attract what is in harmony with you paradigm.

You believe by getting emotionally involved with the vision and living from the end; from completion. Give thanks for it. Creation is finished. It is yours... You just have to manifest it.

You have to "live by faith and not by sight"
Forget what you eyes are telling you. You live by understanding. You know if you live on that frequency, there is a matter of time before you manifest it. It has to manifest, it is the law. It is impossible for it not too.

GOOD NEWS (Religious only)
GOOD NEWS (Religious only)
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