Believe It Or Not, The Devil Is In ALL Of Us


Here is an unpopular fact that many Christians do not want to admit. Our entire world has been surrounded by the Devil. Yes, even in more conservative places outside of the West. The thing is, God created Satan in order to enable him to deceive us and to fool us (Christian and whatnot).


Another truth to tell — any Christian, Catholic, or Mormon who has ever uttered the phrase, "God never makes mistakes", is a liar and is simply committing blasphemy by attempting to perfect the Lord's image into his or her authoritarian political agenda.

Christianity is the only libertarian religion in the world, for two good reasons:

  • There are two types of Christianity: pure and western; in the latter case, it's about a modern-day mentality that happens to be so common in the secular first-world countries.
  • Every single authoritarian government and COVID-dictator ever has never uttered the name Jesus Christ in a public setting. Their figure of worship is either of Satan, Sharia (since the Ottoman Empire killing of Armenians), or communism (extremely anti-religion).

Unlike many conservative Christians, I am not scared of God telling me what to say or do, and I know that I could be very wrong about this. But on a moral basis, I am of the opinion that western Christianity is worse than a politically authoritarian environment.

Western Christian societies are not just disturbing. They are absolutely DISGUSTING. Who the HELL brings a poor little kid into Hooters?

Cover photo for "Anime Women" by Tragic Young Existence
Cover photo for "Anime Women" by Tragic Young Existence

Only a literal hypocrite would attempt to shield their kids from the LGBTQIA+ community (which I agree, though not specifically about that, but sexuality in general, that shouldn't be taught in elementary school or in children's shows) and at the same time, bring their kids to a f***ing Hooters, Twin Peaks, or Victoria's Secret. THAT is Western Christianity for you! Even (and especially) the Catholic Church is filled with monster priests who GROOM children.

Nickelodeon All-Stars (The Heroes) by Carsyn125 on DeviantArt
Nickelodeon All-Stars (The Heroes) by Carsyn125 on DeviantArt

Who created anime and cartoons for us to bingewatch? The DEVIL. Who created rap and hip-hop music? The DEVIL. Who films all those big-name movies in Hollywood with sinful activities and cachets like materialism, illegal street racing, premarital sex, or any sexual behavior that does not allow for a creation of the nuclear family (that includes anal sex and oral sex)? The DEVIL. Who created pornography and strip clubs? The DEVIL. Who created the Devil? GOD. Who enables the Devil's behavior? GOD.

If you are a so-called "Christian" and you are only concerned and outraged by issues popularized by the monopolistic political society in the West (such as homosexuality, abortion, or Islam), but not by the the ACTUALLY concerning issues that the Bible specifically and explicitly forbids, then I'm sorry but you are a "pick-and-choose Christian". The Devil IS in your mind!


Contrary to popular belief, the Bible DOES NOT forbid a same-sex couple to be in a relationship or marriage; when the Bible uses the term "sleep with", it is to remind readers that the term is being used in a slang matter (not in a literal sense; in fact it's a PG-to-PG-13 way of saying the F-word; but this actually has more to do with the natural body of the man and one of the woman since God created the two opposite genders to have children together).

However, it DOES forbid behaviors that go against starting the nuclear family. Alternatively, the Bible does not forbid the adoption of children by either homosexual or heterosexual beings; which is completely normal and mainstream in a family of opposite-sex parents.

  • “He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.” — Ephesians 1:5
  • “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” — Malachi 2:16 ESV

As you can see, when the Bible is mentioning the word "flesh", they are talking about a whole creation. It has almost completely nothing to do with gay people being sinners. Now as opposed to "sleep(ing) with", this one is actually used in its literal sense.

You go ahead and expose your children to R- and X-rated movies and places filled with half-naked bikini'd chicks and speedo'd dudes. You let your kids listen to disgusting rappers who talk about licking body parts and doing drive-by shootings. But yeah, go ahead and call yourself a person of God.

Another thing too, many people tend to perceive taking the Lord's name in vain as simply using Him as a swear word (OMG, GD, For God's Sake, or "Jesus Christ"). Granted, it's not a correct sense of expression like a conventional curse or vulgar word, but it is also not taking Him in vain. The word "vain" in this context means:

  • having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements (source: Merriam-Webster)

When the Bible is talking about "using God's name in vain", they are talking about spewing BS things about Him such as "Jesus is/is not (this race- White, Black, Middle Eastern)", "God told me to [do something so blatantly dangerous and illegal that it harms other people]", and of course, "God never makes mistakes" and "I swear to God (especially when used in the context of lying or exaggerating)". All of that is actual blasphemy. Saying OMG is not blasphemy.

God made huge DEVILS of politicians in the western world. I think that they are HUGE mistakes to our society. Many are smart as heck that they can deceive us, but the truth is, the Holy Spirit has their own flaws too. God enabled slavery and other forms of servitude especially against Black/Indigenous people, women, and poor White men and has had lived under the mindsets of regressive, satanic politicians. The difference is that He did not encourage it. President Lyndon Johnson was sent in by Jesus Christ to set everyone in America equal (it was NOT actually Abraham Lincoln).

Believe It Or Not, The Devil Is In ALL Of Us
7 Opinion