Rabbi Manis Friedman on Human Nature

Rabbi Manis Friedman on Human Nature

Rabbi Manis Friedman says there is a universal desire among 90% of people that trumps all other human desires. That desire is the want to be a good person.

Freud suggested this desire to be good was based on our own personal self esteem and self-image interest in being happily self-appraising in protecting our pride.

But I have another idea, I believe humans have a desire to connect with the compassion of heaven and they display our desire to receive connection by caring for others. Loyalty to the happiness and welfare of others and the happiness and service of God is what God desires.

Billionaires understand we want to be good which is why, many leave little money to children they give birth to, realizing that real love is building dignity and confidence, not shallow experiences and endless parties.

Rabbi Manis Friedman on Human Nature
2 Opinion