What Adam and Eve tell us about human nature - bible talk

What Adam and Eve tell us about human nature - bible talk

Why did Eve desire the forbidden apple?

It’s because it was forbidden

Humans are always seeking the things they do not have instead of appreciating the things they do

Why are female children with absentee fathers more likely to be obese?

The research shows that food stimulates the same pleasure centres in the brain as music

When your life is devoid of positive verbal reinforcement, you end up pursuing verbal pleasures through the guise of food

The sensation of eating tasty food becomes a substitute for the sensation of being loved by your parents

In the same way I crave avocados whenever I believe that money is limited

I also crave other foods like pasta and sushi

But whenever I go through life with the belief I’m destined to be a millionaire, all my food cravings disappear

I no longer desire tacos or avocados or nachos

Same, when I was in high school and terribly shy, I valued and prized my social opportunities and cherished every drop of kindness a person ever showed me

Now that I’m confident and make friends effortlessly, I no longer value social interaction and will often refuse requests for friendship

Why are mute people so skinny?

When you spend less time talking, you spend more time listening

And when you savour beautiful words, you no longer feel the need to savour beautiful foods

So Adam and Eve show us that human beings desperate for power, will always want what they can’t have

Like Donald Trump who had five billion but still wanted to be president

Like Jeff Bezos who is one of the richest men in the world and still underpays his employees

What Adam and Eve tell us about human nature - bible talk
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