A Dream God gave me about accessing miracles

A Dream God gave me about accessing miracles

I had a dream where God said that if I worry about what I can control, that God will worry about what I cannot control.

I can think of examples in my own life, I had debt and could not afford too much but diligently attempted to save enough to prevent unpaid credit card bills and than because it was my birthday, my cousin bought me the things I could not afford to buy myself and she got me a very expensive set of meals too.

And I remember when I tried to be productive and work but was having health issues related to my job, than God freed me from the obligation to work there by getting CoVid measures to cause my lay off from work. Later I dreamed God wanted me to change careers so I rejected the 3 invitations my boss gave me to get rehired and reemployed at my old company.

When I first returned to university in my 20s, I tried hard to get As and got lower grades but sometimes professors would change my grade to prevent certain demographics from underperforming in their cultural class, or assignments would get changed due to weather changes that limited our research capacity, or friends would randomly appear that aided me in the intellectual areas of school that I could not master on my own and with God’s help, I went from first year D’s to straight A’s during my last 3 years.

So God does not expect you to win the battle, he expects you to start it and fight it and when you show God you’ve done your best, God will solve the problem for you knowing your not powerful enough to solve it on your own. He just wants you to show him your trying and have made an attempt to fix things.

A Dream God gave me about accessing miracles
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