How do you interpret LEVITICUS 18:22?

So this passage basically says "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." and this is one of the passages used by Catholics to say that "God" forbids homosexual relations.
That's not how i personally interpret the passage. It says lay with a male as with a woman, 1. If really this had to do with a LGBTQ there would be something about women not laying with other women as well. A male will never lay with another male the same as with a woman, the anatomy just makes this impossible, thus this is not valid.
Another point I want to make why would God go out of his way to be so homophobic, but there's nothing in bible about pedophilia which "literally harming other people", how come it doesn't say, thou shall not lay with children as with an adult?
Also, I'm a bisexual woman, I personally don't think God would have MADE me this way if he thought it was an abomination, an "abomination" implies that there is choice, I did not choose to be attracted to women, I simple AM.
Full Disclosure: I grew up with both muslim and christian religions, my dad was christian and mom muslim. Right now i choose not to have a religion, but i live as if i do, i'm good and kind to the people around me, and I believe in God, I just don't follow a specific doutrine, God invented faith humans invented religion, in nowhere in the bible or the cu'ran it says that Thou shall have a religion, it only says you should believe and worship God.
How do you interpret LEVITICUS 18:22?
16 Opinion