Do you believe in aliens, UFOs and all of that extraterrestrial stuff?

Do you believe in aliens, UFOs and all of that extraterrestrial stuff?
or for you those kind of stories are men made up kind to scare humans as there is not actual real scientific certfied proof of that anywhere in the world?

I mean there are things or events that happened millions of years ago that had predicted many things that the world is experienced in the last centuries. so how could they know millions of years ago what thigns were going to happen in the future so probably people take that as a reference of events taht are coming in the world future. Like Mayas civilizations, Indian civilizations, or civilizations from Peru and other parts of the world that they were wise people and have their own stories about the world future.

I was reading some minutes ago in the internet that in different cities of the world in these days people are hearing some hum sounds in the sky. Many people believe that since planet earth are suffering this health crisis, it could mean something is coming to Planet Earth and relate this crisis to that hum sounds. Like saying indeed this is the Apocalypse for real and we are all going to die or this crisis will never end and we are going to be locked down forever or something like that. Im just saying what I have read.

Do you believe those hum sounds and the health crisis could be related or tthere are some people that really like to scare people by posting those things over the internet so they make more people stressful, more depressed and more in fear that this will never end, when we have to relax, unstress a little, focus on other stuff and be distracted to deal with this pandemic much better and nto focus only to that 24/7 when we are bombarded by news like every second ina 24 hrs period some are fake news others are real news.
Do you believe in aliens, UFOs and all of that extraterrestrial stuff?
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