Why China woudl stomp the U. S. in WWIII?

There's a moral reason why God woudln't bless the U. S. vs China (or Russia) which is also why the U. S. hasn't "won" a war since WWII, which is namely the legalization of abortion and homosexuality in the U. S. Ever since abortion was legalized, the United States has lost every mlitary conflict, eventually giving up without accomplishing any real objectives, and the legalization of homosexuality just makes things even worse. Those are sins which God said the land of Canaan VOMITTED OUT it's inhabitants because of those sins, and it' salso why God destroyed Israel when Israel fell into those sins (homosexuality and human sacrifice/abortion).

So you have 'IN GOD WE TRUST" on your currency, but I must say I do not believe you, Americans. I don't believe you trust in God, because if you actually trusted in God you would OBEY HIM. "Obedience is greater than sacrifice..."

So Americans, don't expect God's blessign in World War III. Your grand parents and great grand parents worshiped God and had God's blessing. You people worship your own lusts.

You know what, CountessSarah? I'm going to go ahead and pre-empt yoru nonsense by simply saying, "Wait a while."

I said months and months ago that China and Afghanistan would form an alliance against the U. S., and lo and behold they are already doing just that, no sooner than the U. S. pulls back, it's already happening.

So for you people who are in favor of somehow forcing reparations on China due to Covid, it wasn't their fault. They had a strict lock-down, and it was foreigners (namely the U. S. and western Europe) who spread the virus all over the world and refused to enforce strict quarantine laws.

Be prepared for an ass kicking, local yokels, and just know that your small arms and 2nd amendment won't' stop a world super-power like China or Russia, once they get the air space, they'll rule the U. S..
Why China woudl stomp the U. S. in WWIII?
11 Opinion