Which of these creation stories do you think is the most accurate in your opinion?

Which of these creation stories do you think is the most accurate in your opinion?
An immortal omniscient being became lonely and decided to create the world and all living things inside it in six days and rested on the seventh day
The universe began from a singularity that became so dense and so hot that it exploded and stretched outward forming stars, galaxies and eventually planets. Earth eventually being one of them. A 'big bang' as some call it.
the world began as a primordial void until a giant made of ice was slain by a god and used his body to create the world from his flesh, skull and blood
In the beginning there was chaos until a god emerged creating the universe separating it by earth, fire, water, air and ether. then created lesser gods and demons and finally humans to worship and serve them
The universe began as an infinite and lifeless expanse of water. From this water emerged a mound of earth upon which a god sits atop who came into being by speaking his own name. This god created other gods who then created the sky, earth etc
At the beginning of time, there was only darkness and water and the ultimate creator who proceeded to vomit up the stars and the planets.
the universe began as an egg which hatched and brought forth A primeval hermaphroditic giant who broke the egg into two halves the top being the sky and the bottom being the earth
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Which of these creation stories do you think is the most accurate in your opinion?
8 Opinion