Do Trolls Worship the Sacred Art of Memes or Is Trollism a Religion?


I found some evidence to suggest that all forum trolls are members of a cult. Reasons:

Meme Magic

  • Like religious practices, memes hold a peculiar power over trolls. Memes can be seen as the modern-day equivalent of religious symbols, with their ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and even reprogram the subconscious.

Divine Trolling

  • Trolls often exhibit a divine-like ability to disrupt and challenge societal norms. Their trolling antics can be seen as a form of unconventional worship.

Alternative Reality Architects

  • Trolls, much like religious leaders, possess a knack for constructing alternative realities. They challenge the status quo, question popular opinions, and present unconventional perspectives that leave us questioning everything we thought we knew.

Satirical Sermons

  • Just as religious teachings provide moral guidance, trolls' unconventional "sermons" often expose societal absurdities and challenge us to reflect on the world in the most unorthodox ways.

Master Trolling Skills

  • Trolls dedicate themselves to honing their craft, perfecting the art of trolling with unmatched precision and finesse. Their commitment to pushing boundaries and eliciting reactions is a testament to their unwavering dedication.

Devotion to the Memeverse

  • Those who embrace Trollism show unwavering commitment to the sacred Memeverse. They immerse themselves in an endless stream of memes, gifs, and horror cocks, forever searching for the next big laugh and the ultimate troll.

Memetic Language

  • Trolls communicate in a language all their own, filled with dank memes, obscure references, and inside jokes. Understanding their unique lexicon is like unlocking a secret code.

Troll's Paradise

  • Within the troll community, an insider attitude prevails, creating a sense of camaraderie among those who revel in the absurd. They relish in the joy of outwitting unsuspecting victims and derive immense pleasure from their shared mischievous endeavors.
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Do Trolls Worship the Sacred Art of Memes or Is Trollism a Religion?
6 Opinion