Are there ever valid reasons to lie?


Have you ever lied for good reason, or bad ones?

Are there ever valid reasons to lie?
Are there ever valid reasons to lie?

The Bible says that lying is a sin. But did you know that it also says that there are exceptions to that rule and that there is at least one example of God rewarding someone for lying? I'll bet you didn't.

Are there ever valid reasons to lie?

If you think there are good reasons to lie sometimes, what are they?

If you think there is never an exception and no one should ever lie, maybe you're right, but why do you think that and why are there no exceptions?

Are there ever valid reasons to lie?
No, there is never a reason to lie. You are wrong about an acceptable example in the Bible or I don't care if there is
Yes, there are reasons to lie for sure
Some lies are acceptable and others aren't
I only lied as a child
My life is a lie. I can't be who I really am or really want to be
This is an interesting question. I am going to have to think about this.
I have never lied in my life... oopps, you just caught me lying... lol
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Are there ever valid reasons to lie?
34 Opinion