- 9 d
Atheism: calling yourself a champion of truth while gutting yourself of the metaphysics necessary to impose a duty to believe the truth.
It is a self-defeating ideology. Why should you believe in science, math, beauty, love, music, art or moral codes if God doesn't exist? They're all arbitrary chemical reactions in your brain. 2nd law of thermodynamics dictates that all will eventually perish in the heat-death of the universe. Your purpose as an atheist, should you choose to accept it is to eat, procreate, die. No, you don't get to "create your own meaning" as some modern atheists posit. Relentless nihilism is the only rational conclusion.
Why believe in something you don't even want to win at?
I know what you'll say, '"Sky Daddy" isn't real, you're making an argument from ignorance.' Okay, so you were there for the Big Bang? Everyone makes arguments from ignorance, no single person could hold ALL the knowledge it would take to know exactly how we got here. No bigger culprit of this than Charles Darwin. What we can observe now is that nature holds irreducible complexity that Darwin wouldn't have dreamt of, if he had an electron microscope or a James Webb telescope at the time of his writing Origin of Species and the Decent of Man. (Easily one of the most racist books in existence.)
All that to say, you may not agree with Jesus and the Christian version of God, (though it is arguably the most compelling as far as purpose of humanity) it's a tough sell believing we all got here from goo to you via the zoo.
Electron microscope view of an ant James Webb view of space 027 Reply- 9 d
At a certain point you basically said that even the existence of God is and argument made from ignirance ahah
- 9 d
Humor me: Can you tell me why slavery is wrong? - 9 d
Because It makes people (slaves) sad
- 9 d
If someone has to pay their taxes or the check after they eat a meal and it makes them sad, is it wrong to not pay your bills? - 9 d
Thats a Total different situation, you can distinguish then using some commos sense
- 9 d
You're arguing that feelings dictate morality.
Which are completely 100% subjective. Not scientific or rational whatsoever.
Common sense = very subjective as well. Atheism is completely parasitic of other worldviews, it just picks and chooses what it likes and dislikes to the individuals whims of the day. - 9 d
Yes, there Is no meaning in continuing to reproduce. Even if the universe imploded It still wouldn't matter at all. But in in the world we live we set some moral rules in order to progress, even if its meaningless
- 9 d
Yup, just as I said in my post.
'No, you don't get to "create your own meaning" as some modern atheists posit. Relentless nihilism is the only rational conclusion.'
Cosmic checkmate, thanks for playing. - 9 d
I didn't Say that i create my meaning. I said that i still do stuff even if they are meaningless
- 9 d
"Atheism+, the hammer that destroys everything, but builds nothing." Including but not limited to science.
How many "choose your own adventure" sexuality and genders studies majors can a society support before the weight of useless meaninglessness collapses a civilization?
The more a society abandons God as a source for ultimate truth, goodness and purpose, the more hopelessly lost they become as a result. Or turn to totalitarian, state-led utopian, (dystopian depending on which side of the blade you're on) similar to a "Final Solution" like the Nazis, Soviets and Maoists. Ironic, isn't it? - 9 d
I am not contesting the utility of the God Fairy tale, i Just Say that its not true
- 8 d
It's not about the utility of a 'Sky Daddy' fairytale, it's about the very scientific nature of reality. Though, sky daddy might be a good enough reference for something outside of time and space as an Observer.
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for experiments demonstrating that local realism is false, meaning that the universe does not exist independently of observation. This suggests that our perceptions play a crucial role in shaping reality, as material objects do not have a definite state until they are observed. Ergo, there has to be a Supreme Observer (AKA God) to maintain what we humans experience as reality. - 8 d
I could go on, atheists have no idea of what makes consciousness, or a soul, but they are so sure of themselves, as you are of your own bias. If I were to ask, most atheists would accept no proof, logical or otherwise that would convince them of any conception of deity outside of themselves and their entrenched solipsism.
This is why it's a matter of faith, and humility to accept that you don't create your own reality, or body, or even your own worldview. That you either a cosmic accident or created for a purpose. Do you hope you're right, that everything is meaningless? - 8 d
I would gladly accept any proof of gods existence, but i was never presented one
- 8 d
Thats more like a phylosofical thought
- 8 d
phylosofical = philosophical?
Ideas are powerful. Atheism by attempting to explain a materialistic universe, by necessity posits a moral stance and is therefore philosophical and theological. I doubt you've ever read Nietzsche and it shows.
When you get old, ugly and useless, should you die and donate your property to the State so young people can live better lives with your resources? Relentless pragmatism and nihilism, comrade. That's all you have to look forward to. - 8 d
I dont see what Is wrong with that
- 8 d
Cool. You really are sold on atheism, but haven't given me a single good reason why it's a compelling, valid or fulfilling worldview in any case.
- 8 d
It doesn't Need to be a fulfilling worldwiew. I prefer a rough Truth over a beautiful lie
- 8 d
Fair enough. However, you don't even know what you believe is "true" and what happens if you're wrong and you die?
- 8 d
If i am wrong and God exists it would be Better because It means that i would go to Heaven, but It doesn't exist so...
- 8 d
After reading your opinion and the ensuing conversation with Sabrina, I would suggest you might benefit from learning about logical fallacies. That is, if you are truly interested in truth. If you are only interested in thinking you are clever and manipulating conversation in bad faith, then it won't be of much interest. But your original opinion and many of your "arguments" contain many well documented and discredited methods of applying phony logic. Least of which is thinking because you typed/thought something, that makes it true.
- 8 d
I have studied many logical fallacies. Atheism and all worldviews are predicated on logical inference. Because no eyewitness was there for the Big Bang or creation, we are all making an "Argument from authority" for whatever field you choose, astrophysicists, biologists, etc. Including if you also happen to be an expert in one of those fields yourself.
Imagine you're an investor in the stock market. Your best friend tells you, "Hey I heard an industry insider and this stock is 100% going to 0." You'd short it right? The he tells you, "all stocks are going to zero and the world is going to die in the heat death of the universe."
That is essentially the Athiest's Wager; taking "appeal to authority" on a bet that is absolutely going to zero, 100%.
A person can bet a life on that, many are. I just don't think it's well-informed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU588fZtvxw - 8 d
You dont Need to see something to prove the existence of It. With the proper scientific demonstration, you can prove the existence of anything without actually seeing It, like we did with atoms. We know for a fact that the big bang happened because we found the proof looking at the expansion of the universe and other things. No, nobody knows why and how the big bang happened, thats why a scientist Will Just Say "i dont know" instead of inventing random gods that make sense for him. Yes, i know that some scientists were Christian, but Just in a spiritual way, they didn't really believe that God created everything
- 8 d
That's cute that you think that; Christians discovered the scientific method: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_and_science
Because science is predicated on believing that the universe has finely-tuned rules, and designed intelligently by a Mind, so that with enough research and insight, that Mind can be understood in small bits. Not a result of a cosmic accident which would be complete chaos, arbitrary and incoherent. To be reductive, the Big Bang posits eternal matter vs. eternal being.
Nothing + no information + no one + blind chance + eons of time = everything
That math doesn't math to me. - 7 d
Oh yes, thats why at the particles level two different things happen at the same time and many other totally random things. If God created everything he must have been confused
- 7 d
Well if I owned you I’d fuck your wife and sell your kids and give you just enough food to keep you from starving to death. You’d be forbidden any learning or property rights. You work when I want you to work. And I’d beat you if you screw up.
Sound good?
Most Helpful Opinions
- 9 d
As a fellow agnostic , I wouldn’t be trying to , if it could be scientifically proven then it wouldn’t be a belief. Some believers point at the Big Bang theory as “pointing” to the existence of god , 14 billion years ago , blah blah but what inspired the Big Bang? They go on to explain how the forces and constants of the universe that promote or make life possible could not just ‘ be there ‘ as per Stephen hawking , “ a brief history of time “
However , largest majority of believer’s aren’t even interested in the science we have pointing to a gods existence or the lack of actual scientific proof of ! their belief is born , pure and simply of FAITH ! , motivated by other or more personal energies giving their lives meaning , direction a calmness about the end of their life or the life of a loved one , how to deal with despair , addiction , trauma , etc. Believing gives them a shot at the afterlife , not believing means your going to the “other” place. , the body dies but where does the “soul” go …… and so many more ways people feel compelled to belief of have faith !!
Me , well I could point to a few things here. Injustice , the existence of evil , pain and suffering , natural disasters , disease , famine … want all powerful would design or allow a world / existence like this? But the reality is that is that as an atheist I don’t disbelieve in god or deny a gods existence I just don’t believe there is one.
The below quote from Ricky Gervais sums up my thoughts almost exactly
“As an atheist, I see nothing “wrong” in believing in a God. I don’t think there is a God, but belief in him does no harm. If it helps you in any way, then that’s fine with me. It’s when belief starts infringing on other people’s rights when it worries me. I would never deny your right to believe in a God. I would just rather you didn’t kill people who believe in a different God, say. Or stone someone to death because your rulebook says their sexuality is immoral. It’s strange that anyone who believes that an all-powerful all-knowing, omniscient power responsible for everything that happens, would also want to judge and punish people for what they are”13 Reply- 8 d
If the "God" believers made up can be eternal why can't another thing like the universe also be eternal without any "creator"?
People have invented literally thousands of Deities but there has never been any physical evidence that any of them are real. Why is that?
If people have invented thousands of Deities and monotheism allows only one deity, which one is the real one? The one you believe in?
If a given believer were born in a different geography into a different culture, would they still believe in the same "God", or would they simply adopt whatever beliefs dominated that different culture? It's a club you join, not a reality.
Religion falls apart pretty quickly under even casual scrutiny. But you can't argue with cult like belief. - 8 d
@OneViewpoint interesting points / choice of words. it seems however, that you may have mis-interpreted my words or just mis-labelled me. We seem to be on the same side of the 'fence'.
Labelling myself correctly as an agnostic atheist my views and opinions are fairly indicative of our 'breed' One aspect that tickles me in these types of conversations around theology, is the whole 'beliefs' vs "education" understanding as far as our scientific evolution can or has taught us. you are free to believe until its widely understood Nobody needs to agree with my views or opinions however, that's one of the beauties of opinions, they are like arseholes, everyone has them.
To my understanding the universe is not eternal / infinite, nor does it need a creator to explain its creation.
As long as people derive a need, they will believe in what they choose, it certainly doesn't make their belief or assertion any more real or factual assuming contradictory to the common understanding based on fact. I mean people believe the earth is flat! ... ? People do see their belief as real though, there is no doubt. Challenge the clinically diagnosed paranoid man or the delusional woman? they may regard it as reality and insist upon it, but its only theirs! ... that's the distinction.
Believe in one God / Deity or several it's of no consequence to me if it helps you in some way or adds to your life in some meaningful way, its way to apparent in our short lives on this ball of dirt that we need that. As long as the interpretation of that religion, or devotion to that deity does not cause suffering to or inflict physical pain on another. Everyone should treat everyone else with at least the same respect and appropriate human kindness - 8 d
In my opinion, a believer in one culture or geography could not translate to the same in another, there are an infinite set of variables affecting why any of us would choose to believe or not in anything at any time, this is NOT pre-ordained. I do however like your use of "it's a club you join" , that made me giggle and i do think your right, it's their reality though!
Is there really a need to say, 'religion falls apart under scrutiny'? unless it's your personal scrutiny, it doesn't matter... does it? Being religious shouldn't affect any non-religious, or patron of another religion. People challenge beliefs though and so they should, where would we be as the human race if we didn't? but religion being intertwined with personal pursuit, culture, family, tradition, faith etc... scrutiny serves little to no good or gain in my opinion
in my opinion religion neatly fills the gap (s) that can exist in people's lives that can provide meaning to they're existence, or support them in dealing with life's dilemma's, curveballs, as well as giving direction and guidance and it absolutely should if that helps them in any way without the contra negative to any other.
For me, nah i don't have a need... will that change? i don't know Doesn't make me more or less than though and it needs no justification or scrutiny.
i just believe in ONE less god than the believers
- 9 d
I wish you well. Raised Christian here, went pagan from high school through after college, and now am simply agnostic. If you are determined to not believe in a Creative Force or Power, nothing anyone says will convince you. All I know and can share to help you if you want to look are several “miracles” that happened in my life as a child and a guiding force that helped me and my siblings avoid coming to greater harm. First was when I was maybe six ao mid to late 1970s. My mother had a tubal miscarriage and it caused an infection. Nothing the doctors did would bring down her fever or completely eliminate the infection. Her fever was so high her blood was coagulating in her body and the hospital was running out of her blood type after more than two weeks. My dad was told she was going to go into a coma and die. I prayed alone in my room, asking more for my dad and my little sisters, promising to not fight with them as much if my mom could just be made better. Old house, sticky bedroom door, and a dad filled with his own grief at the other end of the hall. My door never opened, but a presence was felt and an unknown voice that said “Don’t worry, your mother will be coming home to you soon.” My mom was home within a week. Second, my dog a few years later got a fatal case of heart worms. Vet said he had maybe six months. Medicine would simply kill the worms and cause him heart failure as the worms had destroyed much of his heart. My mom, sisters, and I prayed over that dog for an hour or more every day for a couple of weeks. Dog lived another five years.
10 Reply
It's no one's obligation to try to convince you of something you don't believe it. Religion is a personal journey and experience. The burden of whatever you choose or don't choose is on your own shoulders, kid. It's up to you to research and figure it out.
43 Reply- 9 d
Ok but no Need to get angry
- 9 d
As Buddha said as an answer to his final challenge, Now thatyou are inlightened itis up toyou to tel the world. "It is not my World."
What Girls & Guys Said
- Anonymous(30-35)9 dhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/4QH7T5KfKkc
How can God not exist? How did human beings get created? By chance? The intricate details of the human body couldn’t just happen by accident. The fact that when we look at the solar system it was perfectly positioned to maintain life. If earth was 200 ft closer to the sun we would have died on earth from heat, few hundred feet away further from the sun we would have probably not been able to sustain life as the world population keeps growing.
The fact that fruits, vegetables, crops, water and other resources is still sustained on earth millions of years later, yes farmers help with crop production but many religious verses mentions the sustenance on earth but also highlighting civilization of the past, present and future where many verses relate to “oh you who believe, X-passage”.
There are people who are accepting different religions, mostly the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) of one God, because people want answers of life - why are they here, what’s the purpose of life, what makes life meaningful/beautiful? I often here people say well if God existed why would bad things occur? This life is a test, it’s a different test for all.
A woman could be blessed with beautiful looks but she sells her body online to make money that’s a test for her because she is committing an act of sin where the rule of law from God exists. A person life Stephen Hawking was one of the most brilliant human beings ever, yet he was an atheist never believed in God, although he was intelligent and blessed with smarts that’s his test. You look at the Israel-Palestine genocide by Israel, proclaiming they are God’s chosen people of the land.
Which is false because current day so called Jews who sold their morals and values of the Torah became Zionists, a political ideology derived in Europe. People have so much faith in politicians but did God create those wars or human beings? So often God states be kind, help others, break bread and share not break bones. Often at times people will say oh those books have so much violence to hurt others!
Yes if battle is needed by a tyrant. This world is simply a test, if man assumes he can rape 100 women and kill 100 people and not have repercussions by God because they beat the system on earth, they will be judged for their actions and punished in hell. If someone went through hardships but had strong faith in God, like the poor.
It’s amazing that many people of faith are also in third world countries, they have less then us and yet their faith is so strong and I commend them and respect them for that and I hope God blesses those good souls and they will go to heaven for eternity.
10 Reply - 9 d
Dish Lady gave a good response. Nothing is provable, It is something that is gained through experience when coincidence seems impossible. I don't believe in spontaneous generation but I have a much broader concept of what could have created this universe. A man can not describe what he does not have the vocabulary or knowledge to describe. Many biblical excerpts are through the eyes of people who were counting sheep by by tossing rocks in a dried goats stomach. Humans seem to be looking for an absolute answer, one that is not an interpretation of prehistoric opinions. Something did this. maybe it did not look like Charlton Heston, but It had to begin and I guess have an end. I am sure what ever force was in play would not be happy with the things that have happened in "its name", assuming that the creative force keeps track of us. Don't know, Remember that what has evolved as Religion seems to be more destructive than the creative force would have wanted. Frankly, if "He" does exist , and I think He does, I believe at this point He is disappointed. .
20 Reply Religion is something only you can decide on whether you want to believe in it or not. It’s your choice and your decision. I can write ya a book on why I believe in God but no matter what, it comes down to whether you want to believe it or not. No one can force religion on you , just like no one can force you to Love them. We all have freewill to make our own decisions and choices in life. So it’s up to you on whether you want to put your faith into God and accept him as your savior and open your heart to God and trust in God. For a long time I didn’t believe in God and religion , until I decided to go to Church and actually listened and learned about God and the Bible , I felt like by me actually going to church and actually listened , I felt like the church service was meant for me. It was the craziest thing and I was blown away from it , to the point I gave it another shot and decided to put my faith in God and accept him as my savior. By opening myself up to God things in my life started to change for the better. I am no holy roller whatsoever but opening myself heart to God has helped me see things through a different light and I realized I was lost by not having faith in God. All I can tell you is only you can choose to accept it or not , it’s your life and your choice. I also rather live my life knowing my life is going to continue after I pass away instead of everything just turning black and turning to nothing. Also I lost loved ones that were on their death bed and everyone of them said they saw Angels and God before taking their last breath. Another reason I choose to believe.
00 Reply- 9 d
You are here aren't you? There is an Earth. There are 1.3 x 1050 atoms in the earth. There is matter, granite, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, carbon, iron, silicon, sulfur... all of these elements on and UNIMAGINABLE scare. The earth is so vast that it is roughly 24,000 miles/40,000 KM. The sun has so much mass and collections of these elements and matter that 1.3 million earths could fit into the sun. Some stars dwarf our sun. There are 200 billion trillion stars in the universe. There is so much matter that our minds cannot even conceive of it.
Where did it come from. How did nothing create everything? How is everything here?
Life just doesn't spring out of nothing. How did all of these living things spring out of nothing. It is said there was a "primordial soup" and that a single cell creature sprang up in that. Since when does life just spring out of nothing? How did the soup come to be?
Every living thing has a DNA code, a message of knowledge of how every cell will be arranged. Knowledge... a coded message. Coded knowledge doesn't just naturally spring up and evolve. If someone carves their initials into a tree you know someone had to do that. The carved message didn't evolve.
DNA is the most complex messages ever. Only an intelligent mind can create intelligent messages and info.
If you want to believe the entire universe just sprang up from nothing and DNA just created itself... then this saying is true of you: "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God."
00 Reply - 9 d
Sister! At 34, your biological clock ticks louder than a MILF’s TikTok thirst trap, yet who knit your womb but the Lord? Those “hot girl walks” you take? They’re divine parables! The bounce of a BBW’s sanctified caboose mirrors the rhythm of Creation—Psalm 139:14 screams “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” as you scroll OnlyFans wildfires! Repent, cougar of Canaan, before your vanity becomes a "GILF goblet" (Revelation 17:4) brimming with lust’s bitter wine!
- Song of Solomon 4:7: “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”
Flawless? Nay! Your Instagram filters lie like Satan in Eden! You post “candid” poolside shots—a MILF’s fig leaf over the “horror cock” of insecurity (James 1:8)! The Lord sees your search history: “Christian yoga pants ASMR” and “Psalm 91 prayer for thicker thighs.” Every thirst trap you set drowns in the Jordan River of His truth: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting” (Proverbs 31:30), but a PAWG’s repentance? Eternal gains!
- 1 Peter 3:3-4: “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment… rather, it should be that of your inner self.”
Sister, your soul’s a dump truck of damnation hauling Lululemon idols! At 34, you rage against biological clocks, yet worship the “coom-stained scrolls” of Bumble’s false prophets (Jeremiah 23:16)! The Lord hungers not for your gym selfies but your heart that was @frozenbythedykers —bruised as a GILF’s dignity after “wine mom” Bible study! Cast off the yoga pants of Sodom, kneel before He who molded MILF and maiden alike, and then ask, “Does God exist?” as His glory outshines your front-facing camera! 🔥📿💦
01 ReplyNot exactly correct, you see, God, our almighty creator, exists in many forms, and sometimes, in His infinite wisdom, He manifests in the form of a throbbing, veiny meat stick. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But, how does this apply to me?" Patience, dear friend, we'll get there, just try to follow the argument carefully.
Imagine the Sea of Galilee, not just a body of water, but a metaphor for the tumultuous emotions that sometimes engulf us all, including our lesbian sisters. As the winds howl and waves crash, Jesus, our lord and master of the metaphorical cock, steps onto the water and cries out, "Paddles down, sistahs, let the Big Rick calm your waves! Softball gloves aside, feel the loving stroke of the Divine Schlong!" In this moment, the lesbian stereotypes of billiards and sports blend with the divine power of God's phallus, symbolizing the harmonious union between earthly passions and heavenly guidance.
The Mangina of Mercy, a beacon of acceptance and unity, whispers, "Hairy legs, unite! Let the Mangina of Mercy still your tremors, for the throbbing meat stick of the almighty knows no bounds." With this invocation, we acknowledge the stereotypes while emphasizing the transformative potential of embracing different perspectives. Thus, through understanding, and a willingness to explore new horizons that we can truly achieve inner peace and spiritual growth.
- 9 d
The thing that I find is,
We don’t know exactly how the Universe began except ‘The Big Bang’ though technically God could’ve programmed this Universe with certain rules, properties, limitations, and physics just like how a ‘game developer’ creates a world.
With this, I’m not saying God exists. What I am saying is, we don’t know how the Universe came to be so could be God though I personally don’t believe that. I’m saying this since a lot of people play sides with science / religion. Science is based on facts & experiments to test the validity of certain theories, religion is faith based on a book believed to be written from their God as a sign of enlightenment and key to eternal happiness. Simple as that, you can have happiness and learn how the Universe works in its complex systems. You do you and you believe what you believe & strive to learn more.
02 Reply- 9 d
Which book, my book, your book, their book?
- 9 d
@GoodEnoughThen From my perspective (whether religious or not), all faith boils down to “religion is faith based on a book believed to be written from their God as a sign of enlightenment and key to eternal happiness.” However you interpret that, is up to you though it is everyone believes in ‘something’ believing it to be originated from the ‘someone’ that gives them enlightenment, eternal happiness, and inspires them to do good in this mortal plain till it is their time to go.
- 8 d
No, I can't make any serious argument for any "God" or "Goddess". The whole thing is stupid. Deities and religions are created for 3 reasons.
1.) People fear the unknown and religions provide (false) answers to the darkness and the boogeyman.
2.) Some people have discovered that the majority can be controlled by manipulating their fears and promising them a pathway to avoid death or eternal damnation... if they just do as they are told. It's a control mechanism that doesn't require much investment.
3.) The control mechanism provides an excellent pathway to gain wealth and power over large populations who can never question the status quo without risking going straight to Hell. Which doesn't actually exist.
Religion is the best scam that humanity has ever developed. And it works!00 Reply Convincing you depends on what kind of proof you seek—logical, experiential, or scientific. Logically, the universe operates with such precision (laws of physics, fine-tuning for life) that many argue it points to intentional design. Experientially, countless people claim personal encounters with a higher power. Even scientifically, some physicists entertain the idea that a mind could precede matter. But ultimately, belief isn’t about winning an argument—it’s about what resonates with your understanding of reality.
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)9 d
It's really not going to do much for you if you just asking the question if you've done research you would know the answer how about this why don't we start out with the lowest God
About water did you know water holds memory of everybody on this planet do you know water is our very first computer did you know we can't live without water nothing on this planet would live without water
We live 9 months as a first part of our life in water so if water holds memory and those each and every single one of us would that be considered a god to you00 Reply - 8 d
Good disclaimer you "will debate" so nobody "closed minded" like that , can "get convinced" because "nothing will convince you".
but you didn't ask if proof exist, it does but you already chose.
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)9 d
Yeah God does exist he created heaven and earth the stars moon solar system galaxies the universe nebulas nature the sky and clouds the horizon and atmosphere all you have to do is look up at the sky and see for yourself and be at peace then you can feel God's presence. Plus God gave his only begotten son Jesus to save us from our sins he sacrificed his only son for us so we can be with him in heaven when we die. Read the Bible the proof is in the Bible of God's existence and Jesus existence
02 Reply- 9 d
Of course. The bible Is true because the bible says that the bible Is true
- Opinion Owner9 d
Written word of God written by humans about God & Jesus
- 9 d
I'm agnostic atheist, but for me the existence of God simply doesn't matter.
If there is Creator than they have designed me perfectly to go on about my life.
Also this all-knowing, all-powerful Creator would never have a requirement or need for me to worship them, like say a cult leader would need. That would be like a sculptor creating perfect Play-Doh figurines and the figurines worshipping the sculptor.00 Reply - 9 d
Look in your heart for what you really wanted... to be loved, look at Christ as representative of that then realize that's what God wanted for you and gives you eternally if you believe.
about as good as it will get. you will have to convince yourself.
It's not infinite power here to rule over this world, this one doesn't operate on that energy, but it's what people want before they become subdued and distorted by the world.
00 Reply - 9 d
Read Lee Strobel's books. He once didn't believe in God either. You can debate him.
"The Case for Christ", "The Case for a Creator", "Is God Real?", "The Case for Christianity- concise responses to real questions about Faith", "The Case for Faith".
11 Reply- 9 d
There are also some other authors, like Josh McDowell who wrote Evidence That Demands A Verdict. He explores history and presents evidence of a Creator. However, if someone is completely closed minded as to whether there is a God, nothing will convince them. Frankly, I think it takes more faith to believe that everything came from nothing, like The Big Bang, than to believe that life on Earth was all part of a design of a Creator. But that's just my view.
- Anonymous(18-24)9 d
No because I don’t believe it exists either. The type of other things religious people have said to me seem very weak as well. One time a religious person on this website said something like “God is the creator of everything he created all the trees and nature you see around you.”
I don’t see how this is proof. It can be proven trees come from planting seeds in soil and water.
There is no proof God created the trees
05 Reply- Opinion Owner9 d
@marish01 The first thing that existed on Earth was probably so long ago current humans probably could not know accurately
- 9 d
There is also no proof that he didn't for that matter.
- 9 d
You dont prove the non existence of something, you must prove the existence
- 9 d
Well then consider that He created all the matter in the Universe that made those trees. Consider he placed a plan in motion and let's things happen. But at any time He can change those things in motion and send them off in another way.
- 9 d
God is not something you see with you eyes but you feel it in your heart in your soul. It's funny when I here people ask these questions. Think of God like the wind you can't see it or touch it but you feel it right. You have to know that you haven't come this far by yourself you have to know there is a higher power at play. How did we even get here and please don't tell me we evolved from apes
219 Reply- 9 d
Why dont you believe in Evolution?
- 9 d
Simple if that's the case why aren't apes evolving right now some should be at the halfway point the all won't be at the same point if there evolving
- 9 d
It takes a very long time to evolve, you can't see the difference in your lifespan
- 9 d
I get that but where are the apes that have gone to the halfway point won't there be some that are almost fully evolved. So we evolved and after that all apes stopped evolving. You said you don't believe in God but you believe that when I clearly contradicts itself
- 9 d
Many years ago there were a certain type of apes. These apes went different places, and in the course of time some of them evolved into other types of apes (the ones we see today) and others evolved into us humans.
- 9 d
So there are no other apes evolving into people lol
- 9 d
Why should other apes evolve into people?
- 9 d
For the same reason the first apes evolved
- 9 d
What do you think the reason Is?
- 9 d
There is no reason beautiful cause it's not real
- 9 d
Never Heard of mutations?
- 9 d
Sabrina why are you being difficult
- 9 d
- 9 d
You Just dont wanna believe something that has been scientifically proved because you prefer the idea of a Sky daddy
- 9 d
That's not proven
- 9 d
It literally Is, you can do a 5minutes research
- 9 d
I'm gonna message you
- 9 d
Do what you want
- 9 d
You have to follow me first
This is a pointless question. It would be equally silly by responding, convince me that God doesn't exist. The whole point of religion is to have faith and belief in it. That's the opposite of needing proof. There's a reason why many scientists still don't rule out existence of a God. I'm not religious or atheist. I don't think there's enough information to say otherwise nor is there a need to. We'll never live long enough to find out.
00 Reply- 9 d
Easy. YOU are divine! YOU are the diety! Humanity in every permutation is the miracle!
God is a dangerous anachronistic vengeful misogynistic puritanical genocidal sociopathic narcissistic "old white male" prick in need of therapy!
Grow up humans!04 Reply- 9 d
Feel better? lol
- 8 d
*Her face if she exists
- 8 d
*Their faces, they are many
All I can say is what if you're wrong? Then there will be no debate and you'll be in the lake of fire 🔥
This isn't a dress rehearsal! You better make up your mind and it's all up to you to make the choice.27 Reply- 9 d
After becoming aware of the truth about the things a person needs to do in order to be forgiven of our sins and have eternal life - then it becomes a choice. Either a person believes what the Bible tells us is the way to get to heaven and the person makes a choice to not take the necessary action but instead chooses to not believe what the Bible instructs us to do then they choose for themselves and that's what it comes down to - their choice.
It's so simple to do that people think that they have to do good works to get to heaven but that clearly is not going to get a person to heaven. - 9 d
I agree. That's salvation. I'm talking about arrogant atheists who have formed all types of reasons for God not existing. I've encountered ex-atheists who said that something occurred that inspired them to take a step of faith to the point of considering existence. The few remarked that they asked in somewhat of a prayer for Him to show them somehow, and they were shown the answer.
- 8 d
- 8 d
- 9 d
If you require physical evidence to be convinced, no. I won’t be able to change your mind. It also depends on how willing you are to accept any religion into your worldview, even the ones without gods such as Buddhism.
20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)10 d
Nobody need to get convinced over things that can't be proven as fact. It is belief, faith, that one have for themselves. Religion or spirituality is for self. If someone is ok not believing it, it's absolutely fine. They need not. The only one goal should be to have a good life and our good mental health. Only that matters.
03 Reply- 8 d
But what is considered a good life. Is promoting killing a human... fetus... a good life?
- Opinion Owner8 d
It's realated to ethics. I don't think there could be absolute answer for this. Is it good or bad may differ person to person or according to situation. Or according to consequences. We can tag it as right or wrong according to that.
For example if someone got pregnant but keeping that child may harn her health, or if that foetus may birth with life long disability, or if that parents can't give a proper life to that child after that got birth they are in such poor condition then according to me it is better to terminate that pregnancy. Because it will be more worse to get the extra responsibility and not fulfilling that responsibility well. It will be go good for anyone not even for parents not good even for that child. - Opinion Owner8 d
No* good
The way I settled it with myself is that the existence of God cannot be proven nor can it be disproven, so the question is irrelevant. Religion has wasted more of humanity's precious time, effort and especially lives than anything else that I can think of. Put your efforts into something worthwhile instead.
02 Reply- 8 d
But can you support that blind faith that "god cannot be proven"?
- 8 d
@strateguy632 well no one has provided sufficient proof that I have seen. I don't claim to be right about this. I accept that there are some things I do not know, and so I don't worry about it.
Well, I give you two facts. It's really up to you to believe what you want, but out of all the people you talked to about this, I'm just going to be the most honest. I heard GOD’S voice—not spiritually, not a feeling, but physically while being awake. It’s hard to believe, but I'm telling the truth. Also, scientists have proven that God is real and that he created the universe.
00 ReplyProbably not, but I doubt that anyone can convince me abiogenesis is how life began on this planet. Science has figured out what conditions most organelles require to spontaneously form in nature; however they are so varied and occured thousands of years apart. That there is no way one of them could have lasted long enough for them to all come together to reach critical mass for a self sufficient reproductive life form.
00 Reply- 9 d
No one should ever do this. Faith and belief is a heart issue and no one can debate their way into changing a hardened heart. I know, because I used to be a non believer!
20 Reply - 9 d
Firstly, if you are looking for evidence to believe that God exists, then you are not sure that God does not exist. You must first learn what faith is, and then you will find evidence everywhere you look.
00 Reply Why would anyone care to convince you? You're entitled to your own beliefs. You may come back to God when you are ready. When you've had enough of the hollowness of materialism, I guess.
10 Reply- 9 d
No I cannot convince you that God exists. That is a belief that you have to believe in, or not, for yourself, by yourself. There is no such thing as a believe-in-God salesman, despite many rich evangelists trying to tell you that.
00 Reply - 9 d
Why would i want to convince you? No one had convinced me, yet i'm a strong believer, it's called faith! It's either you have faith in god or not!
30 Reply 349 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Look at humanity and tell there is no Satan, Ba'al, Nergal or how ever the source of malevolence is called
19 Reply- 10 d
What do you mean?
- 9 d
If God was the opposite of good, then Earth would be a hellish place. It would make life on Earth now look like a paradise. Think of all the wars that ever were on Earth happening at the same time.
- 9 d
For many many people earth Is like hell...
- 9 d
And that is because they have no hope of anything better than what they have at the moment.
- 9 d
Try to have Hope when you are a starving African kid or a North Korean Citizen that sneezed too loud
- 9 d
I'm atheist and physical god doesn't exist, our universe is just elementary desire of everything to transfer energy from one object to another. Over hundreds billions years all matter and energy turns into elements which don't gain energy from fusion and low energy photons which don't interact with anything. It's like a campfire that burns down, what remains is cold smoke and ashes. This doesn't sound like godlike plan.
God as manifestation of human mind is rather evil than good. Everything on earth is result of chaos, it's neither good or evil but we humans turn this world into hell for each other. - 9 d
Oh come on, sneezing is a crime there?
- 9 d
Sometimes yes, but thats not the point
- 10 d
I don’t really believe that but people beliefs have nothing to do with me either. Religions have never bothered me at all, i’m cool with it.
01 Reply- 10 d
I am not cool with the fact that the Vatican Is Rich as hell by deceiving people
1.1K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. G0d does not need to be defended. BUT, He likes it. That's what witnessing is.
21 Reply- 8 d
Probably not. I don't think anyone has been talked into or out of belief in God in an Internet discussion like this. :)
10 Reply It's okay if you don't believe in God.
Just don't force people to your belief.
(I'm not saying you are.)
Be just the way you're
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 d
IMHO, the "Morning Manna" section of the "Faith & Values" website is the most thorough explaining of scripture you can find on the internet. The "TruNews" section is also very informational about current news events involving Christianity
00 Reply - 10 d
That is their job, not mine. If they wanted to be ogled they wouldn't hide.
02 Reply- 9 d
- 9 d
Eh. Gods are supposed to be all forgiving and understanding.
- 9 d
Can't convince you of anything if your mind isn't opened to it at all.. Which with this question, I highly doubt it is..
10 Reply 3.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Nope because I'm not going to waste your time trying to prove a deity thats weaker than watered down beer
00 Reply3.4K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Yes. But first you must prove to me that last Thursday existed.
03 Reply- 9 d
I bet i can ahah
- 8 d
I can show you a photo of last Thursday
- 9 d
Use the same belief that you're a 10/10 bad bitch with no flaws and apply it towards God. You might convince yourself of that
10 Reply - 8 d
I don't think it needs to be a debate, especially on a written forum. It needs to be a one on one conversation with a person of knowledge who can refute every argument you bring up.
10 Reply - 9 d
If you can look at all creation and come to a logical conclusion that God Almighty doesn't exist then I can't help you because obviously you aren't interested in the truth.
06 Reply- 9 d
Why do you think that God created It?
Because non-life can't create anything especially life itself.
- 9 d
Why not?
If you can't figure out why then nothing I say will make sound sense to you.
- 9 d
I Just want to understand why non Life can't create life
Because it can't because it doesn't have life. Simple logic.
If there was proof you or any heathen would accept there wouldn't be any need for faith in the whole mix, now would it?
20 ReplyLogically there has to be a first cause, a prime mover, a necessary being. This being has to be all knowing, all powerful, and all present.
10 ReplyI can't.
Lovely thought if he/ she did , but it's all entire mystic fantasy , absolute rubbish.01 Reply- 9 d
No one has the requisite knowledge to prove or disprove the existence of an infinite being, and even if someone did only an infinite being could comprehend and understand such a proof.
01 Reply- 8 d
False. But plenty of people, including the supreme doubter des cartes, did prove god is real n true.
Your blind faith in agnosticism is baseless n ignorant.
2.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No, I can't convince you and no one can convince me.
00 Reply- 9 d
It’s not rational. You have to accept it on faith.
01 Reply - 10 d
no cause he doesn't. it would be foolish to try to convince you of the existence of a non existent thing.
00 Reply Do not say that name you will make another one already overpopulated beings of words and names incomplete nothing hanging down there 🤔those doubles can morph into dicks for original?
00 Reply- 9 d
I believe that there is a God but I'm not deeply into it and don't debate my faith
As for religions don't believe in them , we're all equal and religions just cause hate arguments and violence00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 d
I do, every single good thing that happen in this world is God action, love and care. Also i never see God as much in peaceful places, as i see it in place devastated by evil and chaos
00 Reply I can't, but I can tell you how I came to believe there was at least one higher power that has abilities that we do not have.
10 ReplyIf I point a gun at you... Then you'll believe in God...
If it's loaded... Then you'll pray it won't go off...
If I fire... You'd hope for a miracle...
Kids these days...
10 Reply- 9 d
No but I can't convince you God doesn't exist either.
10 Reply How do you exist? If you can exist god can exist too.
02 Reply- 9 d
Big bang?
- 9 d
I've felt him influence my decisions a few times... once, I was unable to think rationally... well, that didn't go well.
10 Reply No especially when you see the state of the world with the hate going on in the world.
11 Reply- 8 d
I've been looking for proof my while life. Books written by men are not proof.
01 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)10 d
No, I can't, cause I'm not religious either.
00 Reply - Show More (16)
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