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myTakes: Religion & Spirituality

Proving God's Existence (Part 1)

Hello, everyone. I was thinking about making this series of posts about the proof of God's existence through logical reasoning. By starting this series, my goal, rather than trying to prove to Atheists that God exists, is...

Answering Atheists’ questions

Quite simply this take is here to answer frequent questions asked by atheists and also agnostics. Inheritance of belief makes them very hard to be answered, at least in a convincing way to someone in the asker's shoes....

Deism makes more sense than Abrahamic religions

Creating Anopheles knowing that people will get malaria from them, and creating Tsetse flies knowing that people will get sleeping sickness from them, and creating bats knowing people will get Covid from them is not the...

Philosophical Suicide, and Benefits of Insecurity in Certainty

Without sounding too formal, I’ll attempt to start by defining what I mean by Philosophical Suicide when I mention it, which has to start by defining the difference between belief and faith. To believe in something is to...

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

God created humans to engage in sex only within the arrangement of marriage between a male and a female. The Bible condemns sexual activity that is not between a husband and wife, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual...

What does SIN mean and Why it is so important? (Further Explained)

This isn't a religious post, although I use scripture. It applies to everyone. Sin is simply when you are not working in harmony with Gods laws. It means too fail. To miss the objective. And if you don't work in...

How to beat sin

Sin - is when you are in a destructive attitude. Attitude is the composite of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. So if you are thinking and feelings hate toward yourself you will be expressing it through the only...

Physicality Comes First

Psychoanalysts used this to decode the concept of God for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? Ask Christians who their leader on this earth is, someone who they...

Why you should treat everyone well, no matter what they do/did to you

I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life. That's your business. This is just a suggestion to you and definitely to myself to start. Gods modus operandi needs to be known first, so let's give a little bit of that...

What does SIN mean?

I don't do prepared MyTakes I just do this to talk... So it will be short. Sin is simply when you are not working in harmony with Gods laws. There is a basic law of life that states, create or diSINtegrate ....

Integral Theory Part 1 - AQAL: All Quadrants All Levels

Integral theory was conceptualized and made famous by Ken Wilber; a philosopher. He became known within the psychology-philosophy intellectual community by this theory. It is meant to be a huge umbrella theory that...

Why I chose to be a virgin.

Hi everyone time to tell you my story. I am definitely a born again Christian so being a virgin for obvious reasons of religion is prevalent. But seeing as I'm 29 and living on my own please getting super close to my...

Humans, Humanity: A Strange Kind

"Living is easy with eyes closed, Misunderstanding all you see" - The Beatles If you haven't noticed, I like starting MyTakes with a song quote, cause I think songs are the closest we can get to expressing truth....

Why as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, we should have equal rights.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I personally don't experience much hate, but that is mainly because I have kept quiet about my being Bi. Living in an ultra conservative area, I see a lot of arguments from their side....

The Golden Ratio

An irrational constant (like Euler's number e, and pi - 3.14159265...) that occurs frequently in nature, the Golden Ratio (also known the golden mean, golden section) is best summarised by stating that the lengths a and b...

It's True that Atheism Isn't a Religion, But...

It's often been argued, by those who profess to be atheists, that atheism is nothing more and nothing less than "an absence of belief in God (or the gods)". This definition is simple, to the point, and clear enough. It is...

Why Religion is Not for Intelligent, Logical, People.

Pretty simple. There are thousands of religions, and many philosophical explanations for who we are and why we are here. Some are similar, others diametrically opposed. One thing they have in common is none of them are...

Holiday Season approaching and the sadness begins (Will post a similar MyTake on Christmas Eve)

So many stations are going to play Christmas Carols.. This is my favorite especially, for the simple fact what I've been through the past few months and it still burns. Which also...

My thoughts on religion.

Man has always tried to find explanations for the things, which he does not understand, but how can a man born in the Iron Age explain lightning, or why the sun moves across the sky or why the wind blows? He cannot. But...

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

Although there is victory for Joe Biden in winning the 2020 election, it should also disturb us that this was still a close race, indicating that there are a lot more Trump supporters in America than we really realized....