Why the bible says a sad face is good for the heart

The bible says a sad face is good for the heart This is sadness removes the worship of vanity in things like tv or celebrities or hair...
0 13

My revised take on Light and Dark with new ideas - Bible Talk

In a previous post I said Light is a symbol for sweetness and connection Now I will add that Light is a symbol for purity and...
3 4

Why Jesus prayed over night in Luke 6:12 of the Bible

In the bible Jesus went to a mountainside to pray and spent the entire night in prayer to God In the morning he gathered his disciples...
2 8

How I understand the honey in the bible - Real Christian talk

Some people have spent years trying to figure out what honey was a symbol of They may have finally concluded it is a symbol for pleasure...
5 13

The Two Powers of God

There are two powers we can access to hear God’s voice and tap into God’s power The first is to multiply God’s blessing of love towards...
3 6

7 Journaling prompts I got from Lavendaire on YouTube - Bible Talk

These are 7 journaling prompts I got from lavendaire’s channel on YouTube They are 1 - When do you feel alive? 2 - What are you doing...
1 1

The Three Fold way to reverse even very extreme depression - bible talk

A Buddhist named Jay Santi wrote a book called “The giving way to happiness” In one section of the book she discusses three things that...
1 6

Do you believe that Allah is great?

I think Allah is small

I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid I'll be forgotten forever. Anybody else related?

Even if I am famous by some degree, I'll be possibly remembered for a few decades after my passing. But then? I'll be forgotten and...

What are your thoughts on Hell?

What are your thoughts on Hell? What is your conception of it?
20 33

How old were you when you first experienced the presence of an angel?

So were you young or old when you first experienced the presence of an angel? How much of an impact did it have in your life? Please...
2 3

Is it better to die when happy or to live miserably?

Imagine you could either choose between dying at whatever the most recent time was that you were most happy or live the rest of your...
0 6

How fearful were demons of Jesus while He was living and how many do you think He cast out?

Do you think demons feared Jesus more than they did other people? If so, why? I think they feared Jesus for the havoc He caused the...
1 4

Which should be used for Holy Communion: wine or grape juice?

https://www.gotquestions.org/wine-grape-juice-communion.html Should people having Communion use wine or grape juice? I have seen...
3 5

Do you believe when our loved ones died, we can still feel them?

After my maternal grandmother's passing in 2014, seldom times (whenever I've felt hopeful) I've felt some energy. It feels like a warm,...
2 8

Does the afterlife always have a spiritual empiricism to allow awareness and do we and others remember our Earthly life?

Do you think that there will be total empirical basis to afterlives? Also answer these 4 questions: 1 Should afterlives always...
1 4

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