What God has shown me recently about planning

There is an ancient iron myth that if you follow the rainbow bridge to the end, you will get a pot of gold I know that as a Christian,...
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The Oil in the Parable of the Ten Maidens

To me, the 10 maidens represent the 10 commandments. The first four involve gratitude towards God and the fifth involves gratitude to...
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How to be in good standing with God when your not perfect

The bible says that ever creature that divides the hoof and chews the cud is clean and than it mentions a certain type of rabbit which...
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Why the bible says to seek good and not evil

The bible says those who diligently pursue God’s help and goodness find social and cosmic benefits but those who pursue evil will...
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These are my 13 Rules for the Christian Life

1 - Be genuine 2 - Pursue public service 3 - Labour for God’s honour 4 - Validate people’s feelings 5 - Pursue the meaning of God 6 -...
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What my dream taught me about God’s help

Years ago, God told me I would achieve extreme greatness if I avoided two bad habits and ways of thinking. I now know the two bad habits...
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How I Teach Myself Bible

There are three sources I access to get information on the bible that I think are relevant to you as well. 1. Observing patterns I see...
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Do you go out of your way to help strangers?

Sometimes when I'm asking for God's help, it feels like he likes to respond by asking for mine 😂 That's OK though because I always got...

What's your thoughts about muslims, those around you, neighbors, colleagues?

I am curious and also if you have questions about this faith let me know. I am willing to answer your questions with Quran & prophet...

Do you believe deceased people can communicate with us in some form or fashion?

There is all kinds of stuff on the internet about it. Do you believe any of it?

Why does religion see gay people as equivalent evil as like a murder?

I know at least for Christians the Bible talks about how a man shouldn't lie with another man. The hate, the judgment, the lack of...

Was it just a coincidence or did I actually see a saint?

I'm a Christian and my favorite saint is Saint Anthony (saint of miracles).. I love him and devote him so much. I always pray for his...
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Heaven & Hell ⁉️?

Is there Life After Death?
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Hey God-sters: Why not just pray away the bad stuff?

Why go to the doctor? Either god wants you to live through the bad or not. So pray, and don’t screw with his plan by going to the...
2 6

Are you agnostic or atheist?

Shoot your responses
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