The two foundations of a happy and well adjusted faith

I would say the two foundations to a successful Christian life and community is meaning, purpose and inclusivity. I found inclusive...
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What I get out of reading Christ’s rebuke

What I get out of this verse is that Character, Compassion and Quality Cooperativeness in your Career must precede Church, Christian...
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How I understand the beatitudes in Luke (as opposed to Matthew)

So this is what I got from studying the beatitudes in the book of Luke: Blessed are you who don’t promote yourselves because your...
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The Healing Properties of Love

Here I’m quoting a Times of India article that suggests married couples in loving relationships recover from wounds faster than married...
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Why the bible says honour is for the tender hearted

The bible says a kind hearted woman gains Honour while ruthless men gain only wealth and the way I interpret that is this: 1. Those who...
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What the poor widow in the bible teaches us about kindness

As a child in my pre Christian days, I heard multiple times through books and tv shows that it’s the thought that counts, and not the...
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My Biblical View on Success

I believe the biblical secret to success is that you have to value ideas more than you value things. Justice is an idea. Knowledge is an...
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Do you believe deceased people can communicate with us in some form or fashion?

There is all kinds of stuff on the internet about it. Do you believe any of it?

Why does religion see gay people as equivalent evil as like a murder?

I know at least for Christians the Bible talks about how a man shouldn't lie with another man. The hate, the judgment, the lack of...

Why are Latter Day Saints so Charming and friendly?

So, I came across this Later Day saints sister and she was so excited and friendly to me. I can't believe people call them crazy and so...

Assuming heaven is real, why wouldn't animals go there?

They'd be a creation of God. The Bible says they'll be trees, meadows, etc. Why would humans and plant life be there but not animals?

Biblically speaking are artificial beings allowed in Heaven?

Imagine a real life Neko girl is genetically engineered and doesn’t immediately die/die at all, she’s perfectly healthy. If I recall,...

Make your choice. Which one do you think it is?

Do you want to know how to die? Or do you want to know when you will die?
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Can you imagine Mariopol... Christians, where is God right now?

It's a thought provoking question. Brings me near tears, for people I've never met in a land I've never been near, to think of all this....
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Should the theological opinions of scientists be more esteemed than those of other people?

What about the theological opinions of theologians, doctors, historians, mathematicians, philosophers, writers, etc?
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Do you think the Catholic church is spineless?

So many people in the catholic church are bending to woke belief that jesus was transgender. Now we have stories like this showing up....
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