What the poor widow in the bible teaches us about kindness

What the poor widow in the bible teaches us about kindness

As a child in my pre Christian days, I heard multiple times through books and tv shows that it’s the thought that counts, and not the value of your gifts and offerings. Today I texted a friend with a digital teaching gift and I’m not sure if they are going to use it or throw it away because they have a disability and might have difficulty using the gift I got them. But God began to reward me with the answers I had been struggling to come up with even though I never got a thank you response from my friend so while God measures you on how your behavior affects others. He also measures your reward based on your intentions, even if your time and effort is wasted on the person you try to help or the good deed you try to do. Your reward isn’t based on the value you produce but on how sincere you were in producing that value.

What the poor widow in the bible teaches us about kindness
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