More bible inspiration - On kindness

More bible inspiration - On kindness

The bible says God rewards the charitable with prosperity.

On my dads side, 19 years ago, my cousin had the biggest humanitarian mindset, and would risk her life to visit homeless people in dangerous neighbourhoods to buy them food and her university was ranked number 8 in the world and she met Ivanka Trump at a sorority party while studying there and they were almost friends.

I was less generous than my cousin, but I would spend a few hours a week on fundraisers and volunteer at the food bank a few times a year and volunteered once or twice with disabled people, and my school was ranked number 20 in the world at the time I finished high school.

My other cousin has always been too stingy even to buy his dad a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons and despite incredible social intelligence, he went to one of the lowest ranked universities in the entire country and he worked super hard in school.

The bible teaches that the way to succeed is to pursue humanitarian causes and moral kindness under the patience and discretion of secrecy and privacy and you don’t have to be smart enough for medical school to be a humanitarian, my grandma loved her family and is one of the biggest humanitarians I’ve ever met towards her grand kids and she never did a single hour of volunteer work.

More bible inspiration - On kindness
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