The Healing Properties of Love and Kindness - Bible Talk

The Healing Properties of Love and Kindness - Bible Talk

I learned this week that goodness has healing properties: I was in a group counselling seminar and giving advice to two depressed people who were struggling with their issues and I realized that as I activated my parietal lobe to help them and boost their mood by telling jokes, that my back pain and physical exhaustion disappeared.

The next day my arms hurt so much from repeatedly typing and writing I was worried I would get an injury, and than I listened to some inspirational music and my hand pain disappeared by over 99.9 percent, so I believe that love and inspiration have healing properties, I also realized that when I celebrated the suffering of my enemies and adversaries, that almost immediately my body began to experience pain and health dangers.

This is why I believe the reason Jesus was able to heal sick people was because He loved them and also because he loved God, so if you are sick or struggling with health problems, put on a song about humanitarian love and your healing will come to you, you will recover faster and your symptoms will be less painful.

The Healing Properties of Love and Kindness - Bible Talk
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