What the Bible Says About Prosperity

The bible says that those who trust in the Lord will prosper but those who are greedy, those who fear social pressures, those who look...
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What the Bible Says About Discretion

I have known a woman for years and in the last two have seen her in zoom groups almost every week and one day she said to me “I’ve known...
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How God can make ugly situations beautiful

I had a dream months ago, where God told me, that if I trusted him, He would take the ugliness in my life and he would make it...
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Why Jesus was being smart when he said to be nice

One of the most important things I learned from work was not to fight back when somebody attacks you. Jesus said it 20 centuries ago,...
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Why Jesus might not always give you what you want when you ask for it

I learned when I was 19, that sometimes God would rather change your desires than grant you your desires. Like you might pray for a good...
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What God taught me about intelligent failures

In one of my dreams, God taught me a new law that might not be written in the bible. I’m my dream God told me that if I wanted God to...
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What I Learned About Combatting Jealousy

These are rules I learned to help me control or reject feelings of jealousy I might have towards others. They are: 1 - Learn from your...
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I don’t understand why people outright refuse god? Or it’s atheists that shame people for believing in god?

Like they’re treating us like people who were persecuted for having religion. Or those who didn’t. I believe god exists because even...

I want to go to church, and I'll probably go regularly, but I have no information. Should I do anything before going?

I was born and live in Türkiye, and I am Turkish. For now, I'm a deist. However, I have always been curious about Christianity, so I...

Are Catholics really THAT praised and respected?

A few weeks ago, another user asked why Catholics are so praised and respected, whereas members of her church are hated. I replied by...

Do you think religion can improve your health?

I was growing taller years ago and my doctor thought I might have a pituitary tumour while I thought God was blessing me for obeying the...

What are the different astrological houses, and how do they impact our lives?

The astrological houses represent various life areas, influencing personal experiences. From the self in the 1st house to partnerships...

Would the world be a better place if laws based on religeon were banned?

So if Muslim countries or religeous conservatives in USA were banned from using religeon as law and the world had to treat everyone with...
2 6

Do you believe in the power of manifestation?

If yes, what do you think you have you manifested so far? If you don't feel like writing a length answer please vote on the poll, I am...
11 26

Is it a sin to advertise Bible for sale on Craigslist?

Over a year ago I was thinking about selling my English standard verse Bible and I spoke with my mother about it, and she highly advised...
1 6

Should saying negative things about Christians and Muslims be considered hate speech?

I'm pretty sure saying bad things about Jews is hate speech. What about Christians and Muslims?
4 10

Where do the animals go after they die?

For those of you that believe that Heaven exists, do you believe that animals can also enter God’s Kingdom or do they have an eternal...
1 6

Do you consider Satan to be a supernatural entity or a metaphor?

Do you consider Satan to be an actual supernatural entity who embodies all evil in our world or a metaphor to promote pragmatic...
4 16

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