
Search Results: do guys care girls makeup

Advice for the ugly teenage girl?

Do you have any advice for an ugly teenage girl? I take care of myself, I eat healthy, exercise regularly, apply a little makeup and straighten my hair, but for some girls, that isn't enough. I know I am doomed dating...
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Guys, Why are guys so dumbly?

It was a rainy Sunday, and my husband was cooking. My hair was a mess, I didn't have makeup on and I was dressed like a hobo, and hadn't showered. Then he realized we were out of mustard, and he asked me to run down to...
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I think my guy friend is projecting, how should I approach him about it?

So first my friend is about 2-3 years younger than me (I’m 24 he’s 21) we used to be coworkers but now we work at other jobs now. A quick little background about him, he used to be bullied and picked on a lot by girls in...
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Do guys like really feminine girls?

For example, I'm really feminine... My voice is very girly, I wear makeup everyday and have long hair. I wear heals and take care to dress nice every morning, even weekends (casually, nothing high maintenance- Just a pair...
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Guys, is it sexy or gross if a girl goes mudding and is all hell yeah and doesn't care if she gets dirty?

PS we live in the south and go mudding a lot so I don't know what people think of me I guess that I act like a guy except I do my hair wear makeup daisy dukes and tank tops is that bad?
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Guys, is he interested in me or confused?

I met this guy on xbox months ago, he is Australian. he is egotistical and we play together and everyday. I am American. he has revealed a lot about himself , tells me what he’s doing and where he's...
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Things Girly Girls May Relate To 💄👠👗🌸

1. You find that everything looks better in pink "Can I have it in pink?" You have to get everything in pink, even if it's just a container to store your food in, or a shower loofah. 2. That feeling when you take off...

Guys, is it a turn off if a girl is into fashion?

I do really care about what I wear and I take pride in finding and putting together the right outfits. I spend a lot of time looking for clothes but I don’t buy new things that often because I’m very particular about how...
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Guys, Are You Friend-Zoned?

Ever liked a girl so much that you would always be there for her through thick and thin no matter what? You would always be her shoulder to cry on, her rock, her best friend. Guess what? You may be doing those things in...

Hey Guys, it's OKAY to be "Girly"

I want you to imagine two images. One: A woman in jeans, a t shirt, and sneakers. Two: A man in a skirt, tank top, and high heels. Which one seems more odd to you? Likely, the second. You may say that "Well, thats because...

What It Feels Like To Be An Ugly Girl

I've noticed that there have been a lot of posts lately about the problems that attractive girls and/or handsome guys face, so I felt the need to make one about ugly girl problems. We live in a lookist society so...

12 Things Guys Won't Tell You

Guys have their own secrets and admirations that they don't usually reveal. This take is on 12 things that guys don't usually tell you. So, let's begin. We like your messed up hair. Girls may swear that they look awful...

Why I'm Not Like Other Girls

A lot of people, especially girls, like to claim that they're nothing like their own gender. Feminists claim that is a sexist thing to say but it's not sexist if it's actually true based on statistics. I don't think...

Nice Guys - And What People Get Wrong About Them!

"Nice guy" Pretty much everyone has seen the term between quotes, or nowadays even without quotes. In the recent couple of years it has positively become a swear word - proclaiming yourself a nice guy has become similar...

Things Guys Should Know About Girls

There have been many questions browsing through here, from guys asking something along the lines of "What should us guys know about you girls?" The confused male species is getting worse, they are reduced to begging under...

Guys: How To Get Over Your FEAR of Women

That's right - FEAR. I'm calling it what it is. I used to be like you. I used to not approach women and say flat out I was interested in them, becuse I was knee-knocking, teeth-chattering, ego-cripplingly TERRIFIED of one...

7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last

This MyTake is obviously attacking the stereotypical self-proclaimed "Nice guys" and not real genuine nice Guys. 1) Victim mentality. This victim mentality is a sign of weakness. Who wants to be with someone weak who...
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The 10 signs the shy girl you like likes you back, from a shy girl!

We have all (or most of us) had at least one crush throughout our lives. We don’t even know why we fell in love with that person. We notice them, we idolise them and think of many silly ways to impress them, make them...

My Personal Favorite Makeup Tips!

I love makeup, and I love trying on different kinds of makeup looks on myself. But most of the makeup I own is quite cheap stuff, plus I don't own a lot of things that are commonly used today. I have only a few high-end...

A Lesson in Makeup … For MEN! Part I

If you all remember my controversial take Dating & Makeup – False Advertisement or Not? then you’ll know that I feel strongly that makeup is a representation of style and a highlighter for natural aspects of beauty (if...