Things Guys Should Know About Girls

There have been many questions browsing through here, from guys asking something along the lines of "What should us guys know about you girls?" The confused male species is getting worse, they are reduced to begging under an anonymous name online to get answers on how to score!!

Here is a list which I have created, on things guys should know about girls.

1. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out.
2. We don’t enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.
3. Don’t say you understand when you don’t. Again, we will find out.
4. Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!
5. You don’t have PMS; don’t act like you know what it’s like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big dick; we know you don’t.
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes, not girls that want relationships. Girls that want relationships actually care about the guy the dick is attached to.
9. We don’t like it when you act like Mr. Big.
10. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.
11. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe. Agree with us.
12. It’s good to be sensitive, sometimes. Not all the time. Then you seem gay.
13. Another surefire way to get off the hook? Apologize, even if you didn't do anything.
14. Spice it up; dinner and a movie won’t always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it.
16. We are drama queens. We thrive on rumours and live to gossip.
17. Fashion police do exist, like BAM!
18. Don’t ask us to give head; if you are nice you just might get it. Asking makes you sound like that's all you want.
19. We usually DO NOT care about monster trucks, car systems, paintball, or anything else you and your friends talk about.
20. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
21. We don’t shave our legs everyday so get over it.
22. Don’t make bets about us. It's not cool.
23. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatte or beard or mustache looks, we hate it. It makes for a horrible rash on our faces after you kiss us.
24. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it is not. It's kind of gross, especially if you laugh about it. Yes, it's natural, but not hilarious.
25. Don’t compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson’s; hers are fake, just remember that. If you do, chances are, ours are the only ones you will be seeing for a long time.
26. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets. If you hit us, consider yourself as someone that will not have children... ever.
27. We always want to hear we are beautiful, even though we know that crying and makeup running down our faces and baggy sweatpants and a huge sweater isn't hot. We are flattered that you will lie to make us feel better when we feel shitty.
28. We will always think we are fat, so humor us and tell us we aren’t. We fight back because we crave the compliments.
29. You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a stick, so why the hell can’t you piss in the toilet and not on it.
30. Most importantly: we are always right; so don’t forget it. On the other hand, if you are wrong, we will never let you forget it.
31. We will always try to relate to your friends for their approval. Just the same you offer to take us to the mall to get along with our friends.
32. If we have a boyfriend, leave us the hell alone. Leading us on and flirting with us can and sometimes will, ruin the relationship we are currently in and you'll probably never score with us.
33. If at first a girl doesn't like you, BE HER BEST FRIEND! Who do you think she's going to run to when the star football player doesn't take her to that dumb movie? Think about it.
34. Yes, we are moody when we are on our periods. How would you feel if your spermies died and were bleeding out your dick.
35. Think before you speak. If you have second thoughts on something you want to say, SHUT UP!
36. Never, ever, EVER, joke about her being pregnant, even if you used a condom and she's on the pill. There's still a chance.
37. We are truthful with you. Please be truthful with us.
38. Chicks before dicks. If we have to go see a different movie because our friend is on her first date, don't complain. If your guy wanted to go to a bar to pick up, you would help him.
39. We will try to act tough to impress you. If we screw up, it's usually cute. So hold us and tell us we are cute.
40. Tell her how you're feeling, don't hold in those emotions. We are masters at feelings. We invented feelings.
Things Guys Should Know About Girls
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