Search Results: Am I being stupid to keep pursuing someone

Why do women they like it when guys pursue them but in reality they prefer the opposite?

There is usually a good feeling whether you are a man or woman of knowing someone finds you attractive. Depending on how attractive the other person is it’s even a better feeling. So I understand why being “pursued” ties...
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Perks of Being Talkative

The picture has nothing to do with the post but it's from a movie where the girl is shown as loud and talkative, so yeah. In my previous question some people were interested to know the perks of being talkative. A...

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

In this MyTake I am going to share my long story how I was once someone, who turned bitter and resentful towards women and girls, was blinded by facts, traditions and hatred that led to generalizations of the female sex,...

Wendy Bell Being Fired Is Proof Of Thought Control And The Rise Of Tyranny

Let's get one thing clear: ‪‎Wendy Bell‬, formerly of WTAE, did NOT use the N word, nor anything that blacks would have a sound reason to be offended by. She merely alluded to a fact: black-on-black crime is out of...

Did I ruin my chances by asking her out too soon?

So I have a part-time job while in college, and I had become interested in a girl I work with. She's always been very friendly to me, and when we'd work together just the two of us there was (at least from my perspective)...
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How to Handle Rejection

Rejection: the one thing that yearning singles fear most. The dreaded prospect of having their affections completely turned down by the person they want to be with. A single “I don’t see you that way” can be a quick swan...

Why trying to reconcile a failed relationship is not a good idea

He broke up with you.  You knew it was going to happen.  He wasn’t being unfaithful to you and you weren't being faithful to him.  The sex was still good but that wasn’t enough to keep the relationship together.  You just...
OlderAndWiser u

Guys Need to Re-Evaluate the Girls They Go After

It seems to be that many guys feel like they should have the girls who are tough to get. Or maybe they’re inadvertently being taught that they need to try hard to get the girl. Either way, it sends a lot of guys into a...

Lessons I Have Learned In 20 Years of Life

Hi everyone, it sure has been a while since I last came on here. I stopped coming on here, but I thought I'd come back to write this because 4 years ago I wrote a MyTake about the life lessons after I turned 16, and last...

My 14 Impulsive Behavior That Ruined A Relationship and A Guy's Interest Before Anything Even Started

Why am I writing this? I am writing this myTake as I am trying to find someone online and through friends to have a healthy relationship, to settle down with, and to have kids at the age of 27 as all my peers and close...

Don't Do It! Don't Do It! . . . Damn, You Did It!

This is another rewrite of an earlier myTake about the folly of attempting to reconcile failed relationships. This is NOT directed at couples who break up for reasons that do not relate to the quality of the relationship,...
OlderAndWiser u

Giving up your "PSTD" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Yesterday, I hide all my shadows of thoughts with Anonymous post profiles(my darkside). Yes, it is easier to hide in the shadows. Hide your weakness, your negativity, your feelings leaving it behind a room that no one...

Woman As Initiator: Go Get Him👩🏽💭👨🏻

This is what I'd call a 'follow up' from my previous mytake, Man As Initiator which, not surprisingly, got mixed reactions :D . Not only that, I had a certain GaGer create a rebuttal [replica with a few adjustments] to...

A Letter to a Surprising Friend, and His Help in Climbing Out of What Seemed to be a Bottomless Black Hole

I know this will be more helpful to me than anyone else, and also since this is anonymous and the person I'm writing about doesn't know about my account nor that this site even exists, then its not going to get to back to...

Why "Fitness Shaming" Others is Just Pathetic

**Why Fitness Shaming Is Pathetic** There has been an overabundance of questions and mytakes on this on this website pertaining to this topic. It's getting to a point where I almost catch myself laughing at some of these...

How To Approach A Woman

How to properly approach a girl is is probably one of the biggest problems for single guys. Either a guy is too shy and doesn't know how to approach a beautiful woman, or the guy thinks he's "the man" and tries to put...

Stop F***ing Up Your Good Relationship!

It seems like relationships these days barely last. Here's my input on the major problems and simple solutions to those same issues that plague good relationships. Bad communication Nobody has ESP. If you are not able to...

Toxic Masculinity and What Makes a "Real Man"

I've seen this come up a few times on this site - in a discussion someone brings up the concept of toxic masculinity and a bunch of (typically) guys pile on, offended by the idea that masculinity is toxic. So, let's get...
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Things I've Learned About Females Throughout My Life, Vol.2

I made my first post about this a few years ago on GaG, and have had more to say since then but haven’t been sure how to post it, because I don’t want to present to you another cliche 1,2,3 list. But I figured out how I...

How Girls Play The Game

Seduction was originally an art women used to establish power in a patriarchial society, and it's probably for this reason that many would say women are light years ahead of men when it comes to seduction. It's taught...