Wendy Bell Being Fired Is Proof Of Thought Control And The Rise Of Tyranny


Wendy Bell being fired is proof of thought control and the rise of tyranny

Let's get one thing clear: ‪‎Wendy Bell‬, formerly of WTAE, did NOT use the N word, nor anything that blacks would have a sound reason to be offended by.

She merely alluded to a fact: black-on-black crime is out of control in America. Anyone living in Chicago knows that.

What did she actually say?

Here is her full, original, "offending" statement, interjected by my understanding of the station owners' protests (note the sarcasm)...

“Next to ‘If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times,' I remember my mom most often saying to my sister and me when we were young and constantly fighting, ‘If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.'

As Rush would say, stop the tape! Totally nothing offensive here, right? Let's continue...

I've really had nothing nice to say these past 11 days, and so this page has been quiet. There's no nice words to write when a coward holding an AK-47 hoses down a family and their friends sharing laughs and a mild evening on a back porch in Wilkinsburg.

Note: the killers just so happen to be black, and got an AK-47! Which, in America, is usually sold off the black market! So you're telling me, not all maniac shooters are drug-addled whites! Gasp! A media-loved stereotype has been defeated! This must not be allowed!!!

There's no kind words when 6 people are murdered. When their children have to hide for cover, and then emerge from the frightened shadows to find their mother's face blown off or their father's twisted body leaking blood into the dirt from all the bullet holes. There's just been nothing nice to say.

But...but...these are black kids! Obama's sons! How DARE she imply that these little darlings could be capable of sadism!

And I've been dragging around this feeling, like a cold I can't shake, that rattles in my chest each time I breathe and makes my temples throb. I don't want to hurt anymore. I'm tired of hurting.

Check your privilege, Wendy! You have no right to be offended that families in your town are being shot to Swiss cheese!

You needn't be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts two weeks ago Wednesday. I will tell you they live within 5 miles of Franklin Avenue and Ardmore Boulevard, and have been hiding out since in a home likely much closer to that backyard patio than anyone thinks.

Despicable! They killed a family not so different from their own, for reasons that make no sense??? The have-nots only take from the haves, Wendy! Don't confuse us with tales of senseless massacre! Society is to blame! Not evil residing in the human heart as a part of Adam's curse! Allergic reaction! Your words give us hives!!!

They are young black men, likely teens or in their early 20s. They have multiple siblings, from multiple fathers, and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They've grown up there. They know the police. They've been arrested. They've made the circuit, and nothing has scared them enough. Now, they are lost.

In other words, more fallout from LBJ's "Great Society," and more proof that crime comes first in crime and poverty's chicken-and-egg relationship.

Marx would be so offended! All the Bible haters would be so offended too! And more proof that Margaret Sanger, another idol of the DNC, disproportinately targeted black families, and far too many of them took the government's bait, and paid for it with dysfunctional families!

Also, obviously dysfunctional kids are obviously dysfunctional. You mean, this isn't some plantantion owner's fault from nearly 200 years ago? These two punks are just plain evil sociopaths, with no conscience, on par with Joe Hunt? Wendy, you go too far!!! This threatens the entire narrative of collective guilt instead of individual guilt!

We can't let the Milennial sheep know this! Why, they'd vote for that guy with a wizard beard and boot on his head before they'd support Bernie, if they knew about this! Or worse, they'd support JR Meyers for president! We can't have that! The World Bank is counting on us not allowing that! What are we supposed to do, reformat our entire currency and throw the Banksters in jail? We're not Iceland, Wendy!!!

Once you kill a neighbor's three children, two nieces, and her unborn grandson, there's no coming back. There's nothing nice to say about that.

Wendy, please! You're gonna get NARAL and Planned Parenthood breathing down our necks if you humanize the unborn like that!

Be a good little neo-Nazi chimp like the rest of us, and quit humanizing them! Bacteria on a suspected Martian rock from Antarctica is life on Mars! A heartbeat in a womb, is NOT! Stick to the program, Wendy!

And this "no coming back" part? How dare you suggest Obama's sons can't be rehabilitated!

But there is HOPE. And Joe and I caught a glimpse of it Saturday night. A young, African American teen hustling like nobody's business at a restaurant we took the boys to over at the Southside Works. This child stacked heavy glass glasses 10 high and carried three teetering towers of them in one hand with plates piled high in the other. He wiped off the tables. Tended to the chairs. Got down on his hands and knees to pick up the scraps that had fallen to the floor. And he did all this with a rhythm and a step that gushed positivity. He moved like a dancer with a satisfied smile on his face. And I couldn't take my eyes off him. He's going to Make It.

Wendy, please! Blacks have been paid 80 trillion in reparations, but that's not enough! They should be able to forever sit on their asses! Glorifying self-improvement through honest earnings, rather than from looting the haves? Marx would be spinning in his grave!

When Joe paid the bill, I asked to see the manager. He came over to our table apprehensively and I told him that that young man was the best thing his restaurant had going. The manager beamed and agreed that his young employee was special. As the boys and we put on our coats and started walking out -- I saw the manager put his arm around that child's shoulder and pat him on the back in congratulation. It will be some time before I forget the smile that beamed across that young worker's face -- or the look in his eyes as we caught each other's gaze. I wonder how long it had been since someone told him he was special.

Oh noooes!!! Little things we do for these kids, like reward honest labor, can prevent more of them from becoming sociopathic murderers!??? They are a victim class! They are supposed to have no choice but a life of discontent for their neighbor! What are you doing, Wendy???

There's someone in your life today -- a stranger you're going to come across -- who could really use that. A hand up. A warm word. Encouragement. Direction. Kindness. A Chance. We can't change what's already happened, but we can be a part of what's on the way. Speak up. Reach out. Dare to Care. Give part of You to someone else. That, my friends, can change someone's course. And then -- just maybe THEN -- I'll start feeling again like there's something nice to say.”

Biblical generosity, like what Jesus mentioned, is an individual opportunity, not a collective / government program? Blasphemy! Heresy! Wendy, you are the witch that must be burned at the stake!!! Let the stoning commence!!!

So who actually takes offense to this?

The only group that actually found the comment "insensitive" is Obama's DOJ, which wants to hide this statistical reality of black-on-black crime from public view; because it conflicts with their narrative that blacks are all "victims" of whites.

Which, is itself a racist narrative, coming from a Kenyan usurper of the White House (who admitted to as much when applying for foreign student aid!) who wants America run on the same values as the terrorists in South Africa that killed men inside burning tires back in Nelson Mandela's communist terrorist heyday.

(That is, before the Globalists made everyone forget that Mandela was a terrorist, and instead tried to get you to focus on the sweet nothings he spoke in English, while he often sent the opposite message to other terrorists in various African languages in the exact same speech! But I digress.)

Crouching Historical Context, (Not-So)-Hidden Double Standard

When LaVoy Finnicum was shot in the stomach, and reacted by feeling his gut, they claimed he was reaching for his gun, which apparently made it "okay" to shoot him multiple times in the back. The FBI helicopter footage cuts away from the incident right as things get gory.

And then, the FBI tries to contradict eyewitness testimony of those on the ground, who had a much better view of the incident than that helicopter.

And yet, we're supposed to believe the FBI and feel nothing for LaVoy.

Leading to one woman who was an eyewitness telling CNN that she swears by her version of events even if they come after her to do the same thing to her that they did to LaVoy, just for not backing down from her version of events!

Bear in mind, they had sniper rifles with laser scopes, in a planned ambush!

However...when Michael Brown was CLEARLY out of control and even smashed a cop's eyesocket, he was a "victim," and his death apparently warranted cops receiving stand-down orders when (ACORN-hired!) thugs rioted and burned cities to the ground!

The officer that shot Brown had only one pistol, and a few shots, to defend himself with.

And the media expected us to side with Brown, not with the cops nor the shop owners being terrorized by rioters and looters.

The double standards are strong in this regime, which has added the press as an unofficial 4th (5th?) branch of government.

"Combating insensitvity," or just code for thought control?

What happened to Wendy Bell is nothing more than thought policing. It's always okay for media to state the ethnicity of a crime suspect...unless the suspect just so happens to be black!

Then, automagically, any mention of blackness is automagically "racism," and warrants an instantaneous crackdown!

That's how thought control works. ABC in Pittsburgh has done freedom of speech and freedom of common sense a grave injustice, all in the interests of trying to keep Loretta Lynch from harassing the station owners over percieved unfortunate implications.

Which is nothing more than punishing someone else over one's own projection!

This has happened before

Obama isn't the first time that a presidential regime has had such a racist policy in place for police and media outlets, all in the name of "combating racism," of course!

Even under Bush, the Beltway snipers were black. But Homeland Security was told to keep an eye open "only for white suspects."

Because to pursue all dudes in the area who were acting fishy might have unfortunate implications, for those obsessed with looking for implications beyond the fact that the snipers were just plain sick and evil men!

And God forbid that the snipers turn out to be black men, and the FBI actually considered the possibility! Why, the allegations of White House racism by Rachel Madcow would have been a death knell to George's reelection! Wolf Blitzer would have howled at the moon! We can't afford this kind of bad press!

You can't use racism to end racism. It simply doesn't work that way. Alas, our government really is that stupid. And worse...we allow it.

From the Greatest Generation, marching to the shores of Normandy into almost certain death to defeat Orwellian ideology; to the Lamest Generation, that gets offended by the idea that blacks can be criminals too, and whines for "safe" zones consisting of dangerous levels of thought control, solely because some jackass wrote Trump's name...in chalk! Gasp! The horror!

In fact, the fact that they even wanted the school admins to do anything about it reveals just how lame today's college crowd really is!

It was only a decade ago when I was in college. And back then, if college lib jerks didn't like what you had to say, they responded by vandalizing your written statement or assaulting you, and walking away. They didn't even care if they got arrested for battery or vandalism.

Today, they now want administration to batter unwanted thinkers for them! Or, to have other, even more disproportionate acts of vengeance visited. They won't even do it themselves anyore, just whine until someone else punishes the Speakers of Truth!

Cowardice begets tyranny.

Wendy Bell Being Fired Is Proof Of Thought Control And The Rise Of Tyranny
9 Opinion