How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

In this MyTake I am going to share my long story how I was once someone, who turned bitter and resentful towards women and girls, was blinded by facts, traditions and hatred that led to generalizations of the female sex, overcame the inner rage and eventually turned into someone, who LOVES girls but before we dive into it, we need to make some things clear:

1. I am neither a pathetic white-knight nor a foolish mangina!

2. I am not promoting the female sex over the male sex. This is merely my story and admiration towards the gals.

3. I am not giving special treatment for females, however I still treat females with respect as they want to be treated (for example, I can brofist my buddies whereas a female would prefer a simple hug - but that also depends on the girl) (another example is, that I have been told, that females prefer a quieter voice when speaking, whereas I can get as loud as I want with the males).

4. I am not hating, undermining or discriminating my own gender and I do not think any gender is superior to another! Guys and girls can be very good people and the gender does not define it.

5. I feel publishing this MyTake because guys bash girls and girls bash guys and we rarely ever see praising one of each gender on here.

6. Get familiar with the word philogynist. (philo = loving | gynē = woman ) It means fondness, love, or admiration towards females. Its antonym is misogyny.

7. I favor equality to both genders.

8. What I am going to tell you comes from a 21 year old virgin, who never dated, kissed a girl or had a girlfriend. Just saying.

I LOVE girls but getting to know their types them I learn, that some of them I really do like, some of them not so much and some of them are really despising.


In the eyes of the early-teenage Unit1 (11 - 16)

It was that time when I was going to school and had literally zero interest in girls + the girls I was in school with weren't worth interacting with and some of which weren't even nice at all. Maybe the other way around was similar but that's all I can tell.

I wasn't even a guy worth noticing and been a loner all my life: No friends (only temporary until the friendship came to an end to all communications) nothing. I could sense a form of hate towards me but I could care less (yes, I could but haven't). I was labelled an idiot or a crazed loser nerd, who one day will strike at the school and run amok.

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

By that time, my hormones were raging my sexual desires. I thought about sex every day, every week constantly and I could never get my mind off from it. Even when doing stuff, that has absolutely no sexual theme on it, I would think of sex. I was designing maps for a video game and I thought about sex. I was playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and I was thinking about sex. I was observing other girls and I was thinking about sex.

Sex, sex and sex.

It was always sex while still maintaining zero interest in girls. But that's just me in that time.

Of course there were oppositions regarding exploring sexual stuff, which I found unhealthy for myself (the opposition) and I kept doing it discrete "what I should not have been doing" and I do not mean having sex. I mean masturbating and adult rated content stuff. I still fail to this day to see, how this is a bad thing and I never will.

I have been told more than I can count, that I am gay and I was also bullied, not that it is uncommon.

I wasn't paying much attention to girls and I didn't care.

Then there was a time where I was relocated and changed schools when I was in my 7. grade. A whole new world with new rules and new how-stuff-works. What didn't change was my craving to have sex and zero interest in girls. Actually prior to that change my interest in girls was NEARLY zero but post the change, it fell into zero.

I couldn't help to ignore it but I kept noticing, that girls have got a relationship by the time I was going to the 8 - 11 grade. I noticed, how the majority of them were always taken. I still was that boring, uninteresting and still the idiotic and nerdy future serial killer (yes, I have overheard it!).


I noticed not only how they almost all were in a relationship, their partners were always the older, richer and car driving men, who kept giving them free gifts in return for "love" and potentially sex.

It was in such a great percentage, that I slowly started to despise girls for their relationship (which is none of my business but I observed it still) that involves always some form of power and wealth and gifts, whereas all they return is their female body, "love" and sex.

There were a few others of our regular sort like myself and they had similar experience.

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

In the eyes of the late-teenage Unit1 (17 - 20)

Time has passed and I didn't change much.

Still craving sex and still not popular.

Interest in girls remained zero, I cannot have interest in gold digging types of girls, which were 80% of the girls I knew.

I was a ghost and I still am.

And I didn't give a flying F.

My resent towards girls was growing and nothing could be done to prevent it because after all it's reality. No point in denying that.

One time I was googling "Don't girls ever want sex?" and I found a link in the search results to GirlsAskGuys with that question.

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

The opinions were hard to believe compared to what I thought and this is how I discovered GirlsAskGuys. I kept reading similar topics, came back from time to time and found the community to be considerate and positive and then I signed up and participated.

Later I kept noticing the awareness for men how plenty of other men had bad experiences with girls (cheating, gold digging, domestic violence and divorces) up to the point, where MGTOW was introduced in a take, explaining what MGTOW is and who they are. By that time I didn't had the idea to inspect myself into the body of a female in order to identify the bad types of men (more on that later). Basically I understood, that MGTOW were men going their own way, who refused the idea of getting married and reproduce, which is what I, in fact, do not want to either.

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

I kept visiting MGTOW(dot)com and found it to be a forum for men (with common sense as they say) and they were talking a lot about how marriage and divorce harms husbands to such an extend, that they can potentially lose their home, job and everything they worked for and are left to even pay alimony and child support with the little they are left. It's no secret because MGTOW talk about it a lot. I found it deep shocking and disgusting by how the system works.

I signed up in MGTOW and have been such one and kept coming back to MGTOW for the latest horrific marriage and divorce stories and men helping other men into not committing the same mistakes. I helped them, they helped me and not a single female was involved. MGTOW offered some support to men such as this

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

I found this kind of support great and felt better to be in a supporting community.

Then more and more horrific stories came into the forums for us to read "video game development sabotaged because of developers wife", "a man was shot because a girl sold him out to a thug", "girlfriends/wives destroying expensive xbox and computers", "I avoided a gold digger today!", "Bullet dodged! She broke up with me because I didn't want to get married, got pregnant by somebody else and is now a single mom", "My friend's abusive girlfriend humiliated him in the public", "This one guy was poor and unpopular, then he got a car and is now in a swarm of girls" and much more than that.

Don't forget when I said, that the gender does not define whether a person is good or bad.

On these posts, where it was the female person, who fucked up, it's understandable when the hate rains upon them and I found these stories disgusting and thought to myself "Good thing I never got a girlfriend."

This fed my anger towards females and I grew even more resentful and bitter towards women because these stories are in the same quantity as I got called gay. I started to believe, that women are in a relationship with a guy only for his money - scratch the rest! And then place the ultimatum to him to either marry her and reproduce or she will become unhappy and abandon him.

I was 19-20 and my bitterness has taken over me. I was shocked by what was written. I took an oath for myself to never fall into such a misfortune by never getting married. I firmly believe up to this day, that once I get employed and a car, that I will be swarmed not for who I am as a person but for my wealth status. That's something, that is left in me. I can't let my guard down completely for my own safety.

In the eyes of the now Unit1 (21)

Not too long ago I dropped most of my bitterness and resent towards females with the help of a few very good people I met online.

I kept visiting MGTOW and since some time I noticed a great deal of anger and hate towards even the most ordinary types women, who simply do nothing harmful or simply do women-things such as talking in all rationality about various topics or neutral stuff, nothing triggering at all and I noticed members bashing them for it. I found that very weird because I am not finding myself comfortable attacking women (or people in general) who did nothing wrong or did not bother anyone.

I was keeping a close eye on that kind of behavior.

One day in February 2016 I was browsing MGTOW and found this

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

This is literally where I felt I was blinded and reconsidered my past actions (luckily I wasn't that blinded to commit stupid things). I wasn't too bright to tell, that I was blinded by the hatred and anger towards women to such an extend, that I do not know what is OK to do with women and what is not. What I do know is, that I've gone unmeasurable too far with it and my mind was clouded and poisoned. The final few words on this picture have driven me away from MGTOW and I never came back to the website.

I understood, that this direction is not anymore what I feel is right for me. MGTOW when I was still new there was as - I experienced - supportive and then it was slowly mixed with misogynistic guys.

I met 2 amazing female persons online, who guided me through my stages of bitterness to become no longer bitter and resentful towards women. I will call them both abbreviated S and D.

I had known S for some time while I was still browsing in MGTOW and she is a funny and an amazing person. We talked about some stuff and related to each other and found her friendship valuable. When I was shocked by the MGTOW picture above, I instantly initiated a conversation with her, that I should have known what I have been doing and would aim to drop my bitterness towards women altogether with her help.

She has told me quite some things, that we both found ridiculous, awesome and stuff in common. This was pretty much a starter and a process.

However she is busy and I can understand, that she has a life on her own to take care of.

Later in June 2016 I met D, who made further turns to process my reception on females. What surprised me is, that we talked about something very uncommon when meeting for the first time: I was wondering how sex feels like since I am still a virgin and how sex feels with and without emotional attachments and loving bondage. I got the answers I was looking for from D and she earned my respect for that.

What's even funnier than that is that I decided to give myself the nickname Sex for a while because I was craving sex and I still am.

After a while I kept messing around in the chat and somehow got involved into another good chat with her. We were talking about pretty much anything life related, sex related and love related stuff and I found it pretty inspirational.

I told both S and D that I am so tired of seeing girls digging gold in a relationship, both of which told me that it sucks. When I told them, that I'd be no boyfriend material because of that, they told me, that i am being silly and that there is someone for me (which I honestly don't believe in).

Particularly I kept browsing here on G@G what bad types of men there are (cheating, abusive and players) in order to understand the female's concept of non-relationship materials for them.

I asked both S and D about it and they both told me, that these guys are bad BUT they do not define an entire gender by them JUST as I wouldn't define the entire female sex by 80% of what I met.

Additionally D has shared me with her life-advises and told me she too was once a very bitter girl, who got played and was resentful towards men. I found her to be my inspiration to overcome my bitterness and resentment towards women and I kept talking with her for the purpose of being lesser hateful to the opposite sexes.

I together with S and D agreed, that there are bad types of people and the gender does not define it.

D gave me special advises for starting to appreciate the girls for what they do and who they are (not the bad types of course). She understands, that I have a sky high sex drive and wouldn't blame me at all because that's what I am. I wouldn't blame her at all for anything she is or does (that does not include intentional harmful actions) because that's what she is.

Once I realized, that I had a problem with being resentful towards women, talking in all honesty with them about my concerns and vice versa granted the start to make good turns possible. Since we kinda opened up to each another and agreed whether we agreed or agreed to disagreed, there is no need to be resentful anymore.

Finally I asked D how I can be a sweet guy and she told me this "Do not be a sweet guy because you want sex from girls. Be sweet because you LOVE girls ;)"

And this is where the waves of notable changes have applied.

This next picture must be opened in a new window because it's way too big to fit here, making it unreadable:

This picture I kinda made it myself. Some of it's assets were pre-existing, some of it's assets were drawn by me in Photoshop. This picture expresses my stages of bitterness and resentment (the left column applies to me). I already shared it with D and she was surprised and delighted by it, she told me, that this is exactly how she felt.

With the help of both S and D I managed to overcome my bitterness towards females and I thank them both for supporting me and giving me the right directions.

There's even a bonus in it: D has also thanked me for communicating with her as she saw improving herself and she has become less bitter towards things too thanks to me.

And I still think up to this day about sex so often but not as much as in my puberty years!

End of storytime

Today I do not see all females as evil gold digging thieves.

Today I ♥ girls but only some types of them.

In G@G I see some girls can be very fun to have as girlfriends. I see they can be exciting, loving, caring, understanding, sweet and desirable and I LOVE them for it. If only more of them were available, I'd be willing to make one of them the happy one ♥.

I love girls for what they are and what they do, be it a big or small things.

I love it, that they are liberated from gender roles and are free to pursue what they want.

I love it, that they are finding jobs and make their own money.

I love it, that they are caring for themselves and the others around them.

I love it, that they can be slightly to very playful and be fun to have around.

I love it, that they desire sex as much as they see fit and won't bat an eye what others will think about them.

I love them for their differences and their smiles and their honesty.

I love them for having their own interests regardless if they are considered manly, feminine or neutral.

I love them for looking after their own self and caring for their own appearance even if they overdid it.

I love them for helping and assisting when they are able to.

I love them for their good morals and their own integrity and their self respect.

I love them for opening up and finding ways to overcome obstacles and working it out.

I love them for being attaching and at times unpredictable surprising.

I love them for having their own ideas if they want to do something.

I love them for how super sweet they can be and find ways to keep us entertained.

I love them for accepting our differences and leaving it at that and I love them for accepting our distinct interests and hobbies.

I love them for loving me :)

You gals are such amazing creatures in our world! I love y'all!

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist

In the next MyTake I will be listing things, that I will be looking for in a girlfriend.

How I Turned From Being Bitter and Resentful Toward Girls Into a Philogynist
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