How Girls Play The Game


Seduction was originally an art women used to establish power in a patriarchial society, and it's probably for this reason that many would say women are light years ahead of men when it comes to seduction. It's taught from birth...with a daugter seducing her father into buying her things, showering her with attention and leaving her alone when she didn't feel like playing. It is passed along from every other female who also use methods of getting people to like them and then, with that power over them, getting them to do what she wants. It is something she can't help but do since it is so ingrained before she is conscious of it as a thing. It simply is how things are done in her eyes--not some special little trick only she is capable of.

Only not every girl has such fortuitous breeding. In fact, she may have had a mother who was quite the opposite from this. Someone who constantly nagged her father to do things and to change only to be ignored, cheated on, even abused. Some don't have fathers who find any interest in them as people let alone as his children. The reasons are Infinte.

It's in these girls who don't seduce seamlessly that we realize seduction is in fact an art. So how do women play the game versus how men play the game? In the end, it's based off the same thing that "game" is for men:

A desire to be loved more than you love the other person.

It is the dark fantasy that drives people to pick up seduction--to experience love without the hurt attached. To have your pick, to be in control. It sounds like a dream come true though few may admit it openly. What distinguishes your usual female from your usual male however is the pursuit of this maxim. How they play, no what they play for.

Always Be Chased

These are the A,b,c's of dating for a girl. She can never pursue a man--not because it's wrong or not feminine, but because, simply stated, it does not work. Men, she has gathered, for whatever reason respond incredibly strong across the board to challenge. They may respond in a strongly negative way but it is seldom with the same bored fatigue that chasing a guy who barely knows you exist can provoke. It is not a perfect system but it is a system that is eventually beaten into nearly every woman. If you try to be the pursuer with men, you will get hurt for your efforts. Like anything it is an 85/15 rule. It will be what the guy want 85 percent of the time and require little effort from the girls part in terms of asking herself will this work or will something more advanced work better. It works enough. It's real enough. Always be chased. If you're not being chased and if you're chasing the guy things have gone very wrong...This leads to now famous advice to never call him to always end the call first to never pay the for date to never put out on date one etc. etc. etc.

How Girls Play The Game

For every beautiful girl, there's a guy who's tired of f******** her...

Make Him Work

Somewhat related to the first way that girls play the game, a woman doesn't really care about jewelery so much as it shows he cares. In this way, him fixing her car, talking her through her problems, waiting to have sex, taking her out on fancy dates that he wouldn't take other girls out to is about the fact that work speaks louder than words.

How Girls Play The Game

Don't you want to know more? She's hoping you do...

Be Feminine

Many girls don't feel like putting on make up, but they do. Many girls don't feel like looking through fashion magazines to make sure they are wearing the "cutest boots and shorts" etc. but they do. Most girls don't feel like having really long hair that costs a fortune to keep up, but they do. Many girls want to act like one of the guys when around guy friends, but they don't. Many girls want to just tell the guy what he should do to fix his problem, but they dont. . Many girls want to say they're available all week, but they don't. This is being feminine still in 21st century America. Guys on the one hand do really want a girl who plays sports, who wants to be president, who can drink like no other, but they want them to be unbelievably feminine at the same time. We may be too dumb to articulate what's wrong when we see a girl in jeans that make her ass look flat, but we feel it. Thus, a big part of playing the game for a girl is feminine regardless of the changing tastes of men towards a more masculine or sexually ambivalent female. Whatever her personality may be, her looks must be feminine if she wants guys to work and chase and so she plays the ideal even if she possibly find it stupid and degrading.

How Girls Play The Game

Every boyfriend she has a teen dumped her for being a tall twig and got with the curvy shorter girls, now she hopes modeling will make her feel better...did it work on you yet?

Takeaway: Men to realize why it always has to be you doing the chasing. If you aren't chasing they will have a hard time chasing you even if they like you. If you are paying attention you can easily spot the girl who enjoys you chasing her because she's into you because she won't be very good at hiding her approval. Realize that sending her roses after sex IF SHE IS INTO YOU is not a pussy move, it's a boss move because it's communicating to her that you care because you're working not just taking her for granted. (this can be manipulated into making her think you're into her because you do all these thoughtful things when really you don't but i'd advise against this.) Finally, realize that it's not a coincidence you get turned on and attracted to at least a dozen different girls everyday. So many of them are playing the game if only a subconcious level with looking extra feminine and good and acting disinterested even when they aren't so much a part of their daily routine they don't even realize they're doing it. As such, don't put every girl with great make up and great clothes and a great body up on a pedestal. Don't think a girl is more special than another girl because she's more of a challenge. Chances are you're beind seduced.

How Girls Play The Game
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