More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play


More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play

I think one thing that bonds all guys together is that we had seeing a girl play a guy like a well strung violin. It makes us sad for our gender when this occurs and it is for this reason I think we need as more takes about Girl's Games. Now, this comes with the caveat of not getting paranoid, becaues that can happen. But, at the same time, if you're totally ignorant you will inevitably get played...

"Buy Into What I'm Hinting At" Game

When a guy is trying to corrupt your mind he's not very subtle about it. He'll just keep talking and talking until he feels you're convinced possibly pulling back only to corrupt other girls at the same time. With a girl, she'll often hint at something and hope that you form the conclusion she wants you to. This is a bit more complex so I'll give an example.

More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play

Him: The way you were looking at him at that party! You looked like a slut! What's wrong with you??

Her: You're just jealous!

Him: Of what???!

Her: .....

Here, if it were reversed if a guy wanted a girl to think she was just being insecure he'd say "you're just being insecure" but here a lot of girls will take it a step further than a lot of guys. See, in that pause, a guy can think a million million things and will 9 out 10 times land on the most painful. What is he jealous of? Jealous as in protective of her? Maybe. But let's think of something more hurtful...what if he is jealous...of the other guy because he clearly has something that the guy doesn't and the guy looks even more stupid by asking what he should be jealous of. In this way, a girl often baits you into revealing to her your own worst fears by leaving things open ended through hinting and never outright saying...creating a panic.

More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play

Counter: Once you start guessing at what she meant at something you've already lost. Never guess anything when it comes to dating and honestly if this game is being constantly played just leave because you can't force a girl to grow up.

"Magical Bubble" Game

More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play

Girls are often both horribly insecure and fiercely confident at the same time. This is because they develop a protective bubble of either thirsty guys, good friends, and protective family members who tell her "it's not her fault" and talk crap about the guy even if it's extremely clear that she's being the jerk in the situation. If you get past this bubble, and it can be done, she's often not sure about anything especially her self worth, but if you don't then no matter she will have friends who will take her side even if she were to cheat on you. A real guy friend will tell you the truth to make you more of a man, but I don't see this very often among even the best of female friends.

Counter: Just be polite. Don't try to be their close friends and certainly don't make enemies. The ideal isn't for them to love you but for them to feel neutrally towards you in a slightly positive way. The goal is to avoid drama at all costs. The Magical Bubble is a thing that's just there. You respect the bubble and don't try to tamper with it. Make sure you have your alone time with just the two fo you as that will create a bubble to protect you from them should they ever try to attack you through telling her that you're not right for her.

More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play

"Every Girl has a Bad Side"

More Help for Guys Navigating the Games Girls Play
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