Why do women they like it when guys pursue them but in reality they prefer the opposite?

There is usually a good feeling whether you are a man or woman of knowing someone finds you attractive. Depending on how attractive the other person is it’s even a better feeling. So I understand why being “pursued” ties into that.

However despite what women “say” they want and also what all the stupid romantic comedies typically show (i. e. it’s usually the man crushing on the woman and pursuing her) as it turns out most of the time women really prefer the opposite.

Sure women like having a confident man that approaches them but they don’t like him continually pursuing her. Once she gets to know him then she’s typically turned on by challenge. She rather do the work of staying in touch with him and trying to figure out what he’s all about. The relationship almost always goes at the woman’s pace not the man’s. Curiosity kills the cat.

This doesn’t mean women like being completely blown off or mistreated. But it’s the challenge of knowing he’s likely got many options (and a life outside chasing women) that keeps her intrigued.

I know this to be a real life fact. The women who always liked me the most were the ones I was sorta into. I was happy to go on a date but I also didn’t care that much if didn’t happen. I wasn’t rude but I didn’t bend over backwards for them either. The only time I got the ones I really liked is when I painstakingly forced myself not to over contact them and/or seem “too available”. No one taught me “the game” until I taught myself in my mid/late 20s.

But still why do women keep insisting that they “like” being pursued by men? If you like being approached that’s one thing. But being pursued is another.
Why do women they like it when guys pursue them but in reality they prefer the opposite?
1 Opinion