Search Results: Is it bad if the guy I m seeing is A LOT like me

The guy I’m seeing is really nonchalant? Will it not work out? Am I being dramatic?

Okay the guy I’m seeing he’s really non-chalant. I kinda knew this before I met him since I know people who know him and he’s just a really chilled out guy. He’s had bad experiences with women though and I feel as though...
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How do I ask the guy I’m seeing if we’re exclusive and if he will be my boyfriend?

I don’t want to be pushy but I’m not sure what we are. We started out as friends with benefits then friends now we’re friends with benefits again and we’ve been there for each other threw a lot of hardship. He means a lot...
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The guy I’m seeing said he doesn’t want a relationship right now but we’re exclusive, am I stupid for waiting?

We’ve been talking for about 7 months now. We act like we’re together; we see each other almost every day, he calls and texts me all the time, we kiss and he holds me, we have sex a lot and sometimes he acts like he’s...
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Girl I was casually seeing has a lot going on and I am nervous about ending it?

I met this girl on a dating app, I made it clear I was only interested in a casual friends with benefits situation. She agreed and said she was looking for the same. We’ve hung out 5 times, and have been hooking up and we...
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Would you also feel weird if you see this from the girl/guy you’re seeing?

I’ve been serious dating someone for almost a month. Met his friends and family. We aren’t officially a couple yet. Tonight he told me I’m like a girlfriend to him.. we talking official. I opened up a lot and told him how...
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What does it mean if a guy is complimenting your scent a lot?

A guy friend of mine has took to complimenting my perfume like almost daily. It started off as one day he asked what kind I wore. I told him and he said it smelled good. Now, basically every time we're around each other,...
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What do I do when I’m not sure about a guy I’m seeing?

I started talking to a guy about a week and a half ago. We are long distance and FaceTime regularly. He has already told me he loves me and we are now in a relationship. Now I feel that it’s all moved to fast and that I’m...
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What does it mean to buy someone's love and why is it so bad?

Just want to hear a bit more about this one. I'm a little worried it's happening to me right now. This guy I am seeing has a lot of money... so he keeps paying. Someone at work said he might be trying to buy my love. He's...
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Why should black men feel bad about dating white and latina women? Should we stop dating them?

Black women and white men especially seem bothered by this. My understanding is that black women don't like seeing quality black men date outside the race and white men... I'm not exactly sure why white men get so pissed...
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Guys, would it bother u if a girl ur seeing is seeing other men besides u?

This topic came up because my girlfriends and I are talking and they have different views than mine... Here's the story: My personal life is always on the DL. Because I feel the whole world does not need to know...
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The guy I’m dating has been to prison. Should I keep dating him despite his bad reputation?

Okay, I’ve started seeing this guy who’s been in prison. He was away for 2 years. It wasn’t for a domestic, murder or anything like that, and that’s the only run in he’s ever had with the law. We started talking a few...
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What can I do to improve my chance of meeting guys with learning disabilities throughout online dating?

I have been trying out online dating since I don't have other choices that have worked before hand. I am 24 years old, I am on two dating sites. One is Facebook dating and two is bad. The thing that I kept seeing is...
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What does it mean when a guy sends you songs?

So I have this guy friend that I've known from work. He's like almost 20 years older than me and we've gotten along well even when he quit working there. I'm just curious since sometimes he sends me songs via text. If I'm...
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What is it with guys and boobs?

I’ve never been able to understand it. It seems like somehow it’s the first thing they notice on a female and then from there all they care about is anything to get into the female’s pants. I’m not trying to generalize or...
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Why would a guy not be able to stay erect?

The guy I am seeing, wasn’t able to stay erect, And he seemed like he was in a bad mood after and I tried to talk to him and ask why he seemed irritated or something but he said he was tired and going to sleep.. so I felt...
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Do I have a chance with him even though he's casually seeing someone else?

I was dating this guy, but ended things because he didn't know what he wanted. Now, I realized that I still like him very much and still want to be with him, despite his faults. Anyhow, I found out through mutual friends...
I was dating this guy, but ended things because he didn't know what he wanted. Now, I realized that I still like him very much and still want to be with him, despite his faults. Show More
Leave him with the new girl
Give it a shot, see how things go
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Can A Guy With Lots of Female Friends Be Trusted?

I believe, whole heartedly, that people of the opposite gender can have a purely platonic relationship... even a close platonic relationship. I have a lot of male friends (I'd say the ratio is 60/40), and I am positive...
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Can we all agree that some Homewreckers actually have a lot of power?

Well my best friend Tracy, was seeing this guy with a girlfriend. the guys name was Jake, Jake and his girlfriend were dating on and off for 2 years however their relationship was dependent on sex it was mostly physical....
Well my best friend Tracy, was seeing this guy with a girlfriend. the guys name was Jake, Jake and his girlfriend were dating on and off for 2 years however their relationship was Show More
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WHY DOESN'T HE TEXT ME FIRST? I met a guy at work and we've known each other for a year. Also attends the same school as me. I have a crush?

Used to text about work-related things 1-2x a week, & would sometimes deviate into other topics of conversation such as school or personal stories, etc. Now, we sometimes talk for hours about lots of things. Problem is,...
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Why are guys so hostile/mean to innocent women?

I noticed that I have been seeing a lot of guys who seem really pissed off towards women and they start shit with innocent women for no reason at all. I'm assuming they're red pill guys, but I understand if they met...
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