The guy I’m seeing is really nonchalant? Will it not work out? Am I being dramatic?


Okay the guy I’m seeing he’s really non-chalant. I kinda knew this before I met him since I know people who know him and he’s just a really chilled out guy. He’s had bad experiences with women though and I feel as though he’s wary of me because of this. He’s just so non chalant like when he’s busy he doesn’t speak to me and he will even take a whole day to reply and just be so relaxed and chilled about it. He does smoke a lot of weed so I feel like that might be a factor. He’s been really busy this past week in honesty he did message me a paragraph saying he’s had a busy week which I believe as I’ve seen his posts but isn’t this signs he’s to busy for a relationship?

Im very like not high matience but I do like attention from the man I’m seeing and I expect like going out and stuff every week but he just dosent seem to do that? We will go cinema maybe once every while but not much. I’m a very like anxious type of attachment style and my triggers are not at all his fault that’s my responsibility but he can go 2 days without speaking to me but then again we aren’t exclusive?

Am i over reacting here for being annoyed at this? It’s only been a month and we aren’t exactly exclusive so I don’t really know if I’m expecting too much to soon here?

The guy I’m seeing is really nonchalant? Will it not work out? Am I being dramatic?
1 Opinion