
Search Results: What did he mean when he said what do you want

Does he mean he fancies me? What does he mean when he said, "Believe me I would"? Does he want to be in a relationship with me now?

Years ago I had a feeling that a friend of mine fancies me so when I asked him does he fancy me he said, "Well put it this way, if I was looking for a relationship then believe me I would". A while after this, he stroked...
Years ago I had a feeling that a friend of mine fancies me so when I asked him does he fancy me he said, "Well put it this way, if I was looking for a relationship then believe me I Show More
Yes he does fancy you and yes he does want to be in a relationship with you now
Yes he does fancy you but no he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you now
No he doesn't fancy you and no he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you
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What does it mean when he says he doesn't want a relationship but still likes hanging out with you?

So before you jump to conclusions he's just usng me for sex let me explain. So from the very beginning, my ex told me he wasn't ready for a relationship because he just simply wasn't looking for one. He was in school and...
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He said he doesn't want to ruin our friendship

A good friend of mine (we've known each other a few years) and I just recently started hanging out a lot. We text everyday, see each other at least every other day and normally go to the movies or each others houses on...
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Friends with benefits said he doesn’t want any more kissing but still kisses me?

I’m a 25 year old woman and I’ve known my friends with benefits (29 male) for about 5 years on and off. We recently started hooking up again. We had sex yesterday and he started kissing my neck, breasts and then we were...
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Guys, what does it mean when a guy asks if you want to go back to his place on the first date?

He lives with a roommate, but his roommate was staying with someone for the weekend. So he had the place to himself. I didn’t know the guy much before our first date, as we meet on a dating app. On the first date, it was...
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What does it mean if my boyfriend told me he wants to "start over" as friends, and work on our relationship.

My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday, because we argue too much. However, I feel as if I can't do anything right, no matter what I try, and I really have no idea as to how the arguments start or why they happen. He...
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Boyfriend wants space after fight but said he doesn't want to break up.

So me and my recently new boyfriend (of a couple of weeks) have been fighting recently due to his work schedule. He doesn't call me when he says he will and has cancelled hanging out with me a couple of times. - At...
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What does it mean when a women says she doesn't want anything serious but still wants to date?

This girl and I have been dating for nearly 2 months. The other day I decided to have the "talk" with her about where things are going. She stated that she didn't want anything serious at the moment because she is working...
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Whats it mean when he said, tell me you love me?

Okay so this guy and I have gotten really close these last few months, he is married, and has a baby. I have slept with him ( I KNOW IT WAS WRONG) but he has left his wife and doesn't want to be with her. Him and I still...
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She said "I don't want to lead you on." What does this mean?

I started hanging out with this lady several months ago. First off we've done nothing sexual, only contact between us has been hugs and playfully bumping into one another. She is married. Their relationship has not been a...
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Did he really mean it or said it out of anger?

Today I argued with my boyfriend prob ex now. He told me all the cooking and baking I did for him meant nothing to him and hearing that hurt so bad. And he told me he is willing to break up and said shit like didn't you...
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Girlfriend wants time for our relationship but said she doesn't want to break up because she loves me a lot?

So, she is currently in a bad place mentally, she is having tough times at work, her dad passed away 2 years ago and still makes her very depressed which it sucks and I totally understand. Yesterday we met up for a talk...
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What does it mean when your friends with benefits just wants to cuddle?

So in previous questions I have been asking questions about a guy that I am, currently, friends with benefits with. So he came over last night and just wanted to hang out. I ask him if we could have sex and he flat out...
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Girls, What did my female friend mean when she said she misses me?

Ladies, I come for your advice. Please assist. I'm 22 and she's 27. We hang out a lot but early on established we both just want to be friends, we established this in October of 22 (when we first met) - but I have reasons...
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Guys, When women said I don’t want any drama? What do men feels like?

I have feeling with one of my coworkers. He is 47 and I am 38, sometimes we drink together after get off work but we don't do anything else, we just talk about things out of work but the next day usually other co-workers...
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Sent a pic to a guy friend, what did he mean when he said this?

So I’ve been talking to this guy for a while now. We did have a crush on each other and still have feelings but we decided to just be friends in the end. The reason being because he’s in the US and I’m in the UK. I don’t...
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What does it mean when he said this to me?

I want to know if I am overreacting. I am 18f, and there’s a man I am acquainted with, I’ve known him for a few years now. I’m not sure of his age but he is quite older than me. He hits on me a lot, I don’t reciprocate...
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What does it mean when a guy asks if you want to get in the backseat of his car?

this may seem kinda obvious but I was on a date and making out with the guy and he asked me if I'm down to go back to his car so I said ya and when we got to his car he asked if id like to get in the backseat with him, I...
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Friends with benefits got a girlfriend even though he said he didn't want a relationship?

I had a friends with benefits situation for about a year with one of my closest guy friends. Throughout our time together, he specifically said that he "wasn't emotionally available for a relationship" (basically made it...
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What does he mean when he said he just wants to have fun?

I hooked up with my crush and we flirted and kissed and had an awesome first night and everything. The next time I saw him he said “I just wanna have fun.” What does that mean? Like a F buddy? Or just be friends? I’m so...
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