
Search Results: What do you think of an 18 year old guy with a 25

A 25 year old dating an 18 year old?

What do you think about a 25 year old guy dating an 18 year old girl? Also, does it change anything if he's sleeping with her.
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Most women my age or younger prefer older men but I’m different and prefer younger 18+. Why do people look at me weirdly for my preferences?

I am almost 25 years old. Yes I’m aware of the different places in life and maturity levels an 18 year old and 25 year old can be but I deeply love my fiancĂ©. I care about him a lot. He treats me better than guys twice my...
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Two Guys at work like me. Which one would be better for me to go out with?

Soo there are two guys at work who have interest in me. We all work in different departments in a grocery store. One guy is 26. I’m 25. I like him but I’m not attracted to him. He’s nice but he comes off as a bit...
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Why do guys go quiet when I walk past?

This seems to be happening quite often/i'm noticing it more as i used to ignore it. basically, when I am out at the shops and there's a group of guys they'll just go quiet mid conversation when i walk past like i don't...
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Is 17 and 27 too big of an age gap?

I'm 17. I'll be 18 in a month. I've been seeing this 27 year old. We haven't had sex. We are very secretive about it until I am 1. I know girls say this a lot but I am very mature for my age. Like when I meet people they...
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I think my boyfriend is a pedophile?

hey guys so I have been dating this guy for 4 months now and some of the things he said freaked me out a little bit, I may be overreacting but I just dont want to be involved in his sick game, so please tell me your...
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Is it true that Men and Women can be just Friends?

I recently got asked out by an 18 year old. I’m 25 and I told him I’m not interested in dating someone that young, but he said we can just be friends. I personally don’t believe that statement. I already know their...
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Why is it people find it creepy if someone 25-29 mid to late 20s dating or in a relationship with a legal aged teen 18-19?

My fiancĂ© is 18, I turn 25 in October and I get people would wonder what on earth would we have in common given he is new out of school, meanwhile I graduated 6 years ago and I’ve been an adult for nearly 7 years but he’s...
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An age-gap relationship with a minor?

Hi, I'm a 25-yo guy and 3 years ago I met this girl 9 years younger than me. In the beginning I was attracted to her because of her looks, but after talking with her I saw that she had a beautiful personality too. We...
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25 Things I Learned At 25: Part I

Inspired from another MyTake here . So since the end of the last month, I am a quarter of century years old. I kind of consider this year’s birthday more special, even more special than my 18th birthday I might say. I...

Is women graduating from college a bad thing for society (please read) ?

I’m not trying to say women getting an education is a bad thing please don’t try to read that into this. In 2023 more women are graduating from college than men. I think it’s a 60-40 split. Now in the dating world women...
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Why people become more conservative/libertarian through life's experiences and getting older (CAUTION: LONG READ)

Some people hate that title, but this is true (for the most part). To give you some background I think back to my late teens and early 20's, a time when you are exposed to more politics because of your age and because you...

November 3rd, 2022: Ten Full Years Now Since She Passed Away

You know, I died twice in my life already. The first time was when I was 18, and I learned I would never actually physically grow up. I never got my long awaited growth spurt. I never moved an inch beyond the midget,...

25 Reasons Why He Won't Ask You To Marry Him!

Mike Masters writes a blog for women about relationships at . Traveling the world and dating every single he met along the way allowed Mike to make an uncountable number of mistakes in...

Struggles & Lessons I Faced While Becoming An "Adult "

Intro: This topic I hold very dear to my heart. This might actually be the most emotionally involved I have ever been on any myTake I have ever done on GAG. It means quite a bit to me, so sharing it will be quite hard. As...

Here are 5 Andrew Tate quotes: tell me your thoughts on them? Do you agree or disagree?

We all know Andrew Tate as a misogynistic asshole but dare I say, some of his points may actually be valid. Others not so much. Here are my verdicts on his statements! I'd like to hear yours! 1. "Who wouldn't want a...
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25 Signs To Know For SURE He’s Not Into You!

1. Accommodating but not engaging This is a precursor to a relationship failure. When you look at his placid smiling face, it is probably just his penis smiling back, he knows he is no longer into you but his sex drive...

11 Types Of Users I Swipe Left On Tinder

I've used Tinder a lot although I'm a quite picky person. After reading another fellow GAG'ers myTake about which tinder users she swipes left on I was inspired to write my own list. I would like to hear your opinions...

The Thirty Traits That Make The Ideal Partner For a Woman

Okay, we did the female one . Thanks to this one recent question on GAG from @Pinay_ako, among others, we can do the "what women want" list now, too. Some info is also taken from other, similar questions asked...

Twenty-One Tips For Successful Online Dating

I am 62 years old. I have used online dating sites three times in my life: 2007-2008, 2015, and 2017. I am not looking for hookups, FWB’s, casual sex, ONS's, etc. I want to find a woman for a long term relationship 1. who...