Search Results: Who can help me get my ex back

How do I get over my ex who is with someone else, I can't stop stalking social media?

My ex and I dated for almost 2 years and then broke up in January, she wanted to get back together but I was adamant because of the fighting. We still talked with each other all the time and 2 weeks after she said she was...
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Does my ex want to get back together or is he playing mind games with me?

Sorry - I've got a a long story. So my ex and I broke up 2 months ago - we were together for 8 months. Before our break up, he felt like he needed more space to himself, as well before our break up, he wasn't sure if he...
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Is it over with my ex and how I get a second chance?

My ex unfriend on snapchat and unfollow me why? I was doing no contact for a week and she screenshot and i started talking to her and i bought back the past. She said really why? The past is the past. And she told me i...
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Husband has been texting a ex an deleting messages I feel he is emotionally cheating but he doesn't whats your idea?

Before my husband an I got married he was texting a ex behind my back deleting messages I found out an confronted him an her she sent me screenshots of their conversations. He told her he loved her an that she was the one...
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I went behind my girlfriends back and asked her family for help, it blew up and she's upset at me, when should I contact her or is it over?

So, I finally met the girl of my dreams, we became great friends and decided to date. She has three kids with two ex's and is going through custody with one. She got some bad news that she would lose custody for several...
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What does it mean when you have a dream about an ex, but you weren't dreaming about memories?

This ex boyfriend of mine was my longest relationship of 6 months; He's very country and southern. I haven't spoken to him except for 5 minutes when his friend asked me if I still wanted to get back together with him, and...
This ex boyfriend of mine was my longest relationship of 6 months; He's very country and southern. I haven't spoken to him except for 5 minutes when his friend asked me if I still Show More
I miss him
Don't bother with it
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Best way to get revenge on a fake friend who slept with my ex?

Me and my ex broke up about a year ago, because she was cheating on me. I opened up with my friend/coworker about this and how painful it was, and how much that relationship meant to me. He sat there and comforted me and...
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My recent ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend, what do I do?

My girlfriend of 2 years and I broke up last week. We had started to fight a lot recently and a very similar thing happened at the end of last year with her and I which resulted in us taking a month break from each...
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Why does my ex-boyfriend keep staring at me?

Short version: My ex boyfriend played me, talked sh*t about me behind my back, broke up with me over text, and got his friend to help him to make the breakup seem like it was all my fault. We didn't date for that long,...
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Is it okay for my wife to talk to her ex's family? Am I wrong from saying she can't talk to them at all?

I recently got married and I got mad at my wife because she was talking to her EX's uncle. I didn't care at first but she was talking to him right in front of me. And what bothered me about the conversation was that she...
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Guys, if you did this with one of your ex girlfriends, what would your intentions be?

Me and my ex split up because he couldn't handle how jealous I was, after we split up I took the break-up really badly. I was beyond upset, couldn't sleep or eat. He was my first boyfriend so I had no previous experience...
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My boyfriend of 4 months dumped me totally out of the blue to go back with his toxic ex when he found out she had met someone else. Will they last?

I had been seeing a guy 10 years older than me for 4 months. We got on so well, we had a true connection. We were insuperable. His friends and family said they had never seen him so happy. We never had one row or even a...
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Dads creepy friend... I need help?

My dad has this friend he met at work. We've known him for 12 years and everyone agrees that he says off had things from joking about blow jobs to underage girls to making what he calls jokes about my 16 yr old sister...
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How to get over being in love with an older coworker?

I have always had a crush on this man ever since I met him. It really surprised me as he is 20 years older than me and I thought it would just pass but it’s been 4 years now and I’ve totally fallen in love with this man....
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Was I wrong for accepting money from a man who liked me while I’m in. Relationship?

So I had a guy who liked me for years. He offered me money before but I didn’t accept because at the time I didn’t want to complicate things during the dating phase. I also knew he was a player and just was trying to not...
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My ex best friend just contacted me after 4 months of not speaking

So here's the story, this girl and I had been best friends for eight years, and I mean BEST friends, together all the time, I trusted her with my life, people said all the time we were like the exact same person. I moved...
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We broke up...we live together..I want him back! Can you help me?

I normally wouldn't post something like this, but I really need advice and it seems like people just tell me what they think I want to hear. My ex and I have been dating for over a year. We were completely in love with...
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I like my ex boyfriends best! :(

My ex and I broke up 4 months ago and in the mean time he's already met a new girl and has been hanging out with her and stuff. They arnt a official couple or anything and he still doesn't know if he is even going to get...
My ex and I broke up 4 months ago and in the mean time he's already met a new girl and has been hanging out with her and stuff. They arnt a official couple or anything and he still Show More
Yes, go for it! =)
No...its not a good idea =(
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Why is my ex texting me if he has a new girlfriend? I'm still in love with him :( HELP!

I broke up with my ex of 1 year because he cheated on me. I am still very in love with him and he didn't want to break up but was treating me too casually. He got a new girlfriend within 4 weeks. It's been 3 months since...
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What to do when an ex has the upper hand? Please help

My ex boyfriend who broke up with me got into contact with me about 2 months ago.He said he missed me and was interested in talking to me again. He made a mistake etc. We started talking bit by bit. I became best friends...
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