Search Results: Who can t wait to see this Movie

Am I the only one who is really excited for the new the little mermaid movie?

I just realized all the hate and daamn why? I'm super excited for this movie and can't wait to see how they did the whole underwater-mermaid world haha
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Top Ten First Date Tips From Someone Who COULD Be Your Grandfather

When I was a young man, my generation thought that we were radically different from our parents' generation, we did things differently, and they were simply incapable of understanding anything about us. We didn't want to...
OlderAndWiser u

Have you gone to the movie theater and you being the only person watching the movie?

Or at least very few few people is watching it? It could be because the movie is really badd so noone wants to watch it or it could be because you go on a time that is not prime time, and most people do attend the movies...
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Is the movie going experience dead to you now?

The last movie I saw in a theater was 11 years ago. I waited 2 solid years for this movie to come out, and was super excited. I went early in the day to see it trying to avoid annoying crowds, but ended up sitting by a...
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Do you think “The Onania Club” movie will ever be released?

I’ve been reading some fan theories that this film may never be released at all. No word from director Tom Six yet, but they argue he just won’t admit it (which seems plausible, knowing his ego). It’s been nearly 3 years...
I’ve been reading some fan theories that this film may never be released at all. No word from director Tom Six yet, but they argue he just won’t admit it (which seems plausible, Show More
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For those of you who've got/had kids, would you allow belief in pretend characters?

So like any of them Santa and the elves, the Easter bunny, tooth fairies. For you does that also include the party princesses e. g. Disney/DreamWorks characters and allowing them to think they are real....
So like any of them Santa and the elves, the Easter bunny, tooth fairies. For you does that also include the party princesses e. g. Disney/DreamWorks characters and allowing them Show More
Maybe for a couple of them
Only while they're super young (6 and under)
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Why is my best guy friend (who I'm secretly in love with) pushing me away?

I've been good friends with this guy for nearly a year now, and in the last 4 months we've become inseparable. We'd spend as much time together as possible, he'd cancel plans with other people to see me (including his...
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Can stress affect a man’s sexual interest?

My boyfriend of three years have had our ups and downs, he’s stuck by my side. He’s a nice guy who avoids conflict and is an over thinker. So in the relationship I dominate in sex because he always wait for me to initiate...
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Why is there no love at the end?

Ive always wanted to ask this question. Why is there no love at the end of a relationship, okay lets put it this way. You see a girl and you start to develop feelings for them. You don't know how to approach them or...
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I broke up with him, then he blocked and deleted me from everywhere. So why did he just send me a birthday card in the mail?

I broke up with my boyfriend of 2.5 years almost 5 months ago. I broke up with him because after 2.5 years he still didn't know what he wanted. He never called me his girlfriend. I told him what I wanted and I love him...
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My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Movies

I'm kind of lame about Christmas movies and I haven't watched anything new in years. I don't know why, I just don't have a lot of interest in the cheesy Hallmark ones that my sister tries to get me to watch! I think I've...

10 More Things That Annoy Me About Movies

Here are ten more things that absolutely annoy me about movies. Again, just like in the first, I know they are fictional films so they can get away with anything apparently, but some things just make you scratch your head...
BeeNee a

A Movie For Each Year Of The Decade

I wanna get this done quickly as possible considering it'll be 2020 in less than an hour for me😂 2010 - Alvin and The Chipmunks The Squeakquel I accept that this isn't a groundbreaking movie or anything😂😂But it was my...

The Ten Most Repetitive Action Movie Clichés

1. The bad guy is super obsessive... Yes, life long grudges exist and people can get insanely obsessive about one thing or one group or one place, but bad guys in these action movies will literally stop at nothing,...
BeeNee a

Who I would cast in a hypothetical Wolfenstein Web series

The Wolfenstein franchise is one of the most iconic video game franchises out there. Not only does each game have amazing gameplay but the series itself is considered the “grandfather of first person shooters”. It’s a...

Awesome Books Whose Movies Fell Short

I absolutely love to read.  It is my passion.  I am the type of person who immerses herself in the storyline, the characters feel like they are a part of my existence, I experience their joy and their pain.  I love to...

10 Upcoming Movies with So-So Trailers

#FeelFreeToList YOUR OPINION OF THESE TRAILERS IN THE COMMENTS SECTION BELOW. #1 Ok so i held out on watching the Jurassic World 2 trailer, but today i gave in. Omg I can't believe they're really gonna go all...

6 Awesome Movies Every Man Should See

For understandable reasons, men find it difficult to be men in today’s world. I won’t say that as more visual beings, we should look for a deeper meaning in every movie we see, every TV show we watch, or every painting we...
BCRanger10 u

Interstellar - Is The Most Amazing Movie in 2014 In My Opinion

Suggestion for your coming weekend; the most fantastic movie in 2014 in my opinion is Interstellar... Interstellar; even from this cover, smells completely science-fiction and it serves a fabulous parade for you almost...

Why there are guys who want something real, and why it's so rare to find one

Being a college student I've seen plenty about how most guys just want sex and nothing more, how no guy wants to have a romantic relationship etc. Which while I won't defend ALL of my sex, (there are plenty of tools out...