Search Results: Will she ever talk to me

Have you ever confessed attraction towards someone then got ignored?

Have you ever confessed your attraction towards someone you've been flirting around with, gone a few dates (or someone you were friends that you were crushing on) then suddenly that person became very distant towards you...
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Have you ever been drawn to a girl, or a guy, because they had a mysterious magnetic attraction?

Like you see them from a distance, but you don’t really know them and there is just a sort of mysterious attraction that you have for them, but it Is something that you just can’t quite put your finger on or explain...
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Have you ever developed a romantic or sexual interest in someone who was already a good friend?

So many people say that they want their SO to be their best friend but, if their best friend says "Hey, let's try to be more than friends, we often hear that cheesy line: "But I don't want to lose you as a friend." That...
OlderAndWiser u
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Why does my ex boyfriend want to take me out to lunch to "talk to me"?

So first off me and my ex boyfriend have been together for more than 1 year He was the most affectionate and caring guy I've ever been with and was so loyal to me but i still didn't trust him 100% (due to my past...
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Should I send her a text saying "Sorry that I am bothering you I won't talk to you again." Im upset?

Im really just trying to be nice to this girl I used to sit next to in class. We used to be friendly until she stopped talking to me. She used tell me a lot about herself and her family. And she would always be like "Yay...
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Did you ever have a part in odd or unexpected situations?

I often wind up in odd, funny, strange and maybe even disturbing conversations, but the one I wanted to talk about today was how there was a time in my last school when, on my friends birthday, because she liked Black...
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When it comes to dating, Do you think the past will ever remain the past?

So I went to a party and talked to someone ( who was probably drunk ) about the concept of dating partner having a past and is it possible for a future where we don’t heavily judge a person because of their past numbers....
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Do you think republicans will ever take the mental health crisis seriously?

They have to know that no one who votes republican could ever be quite given a clean bill of mental health. It is a party that is absolutely reliant on insecurity to cow or enrage people into keeping them relevant. And...
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What does I’ll text you when I’m ready to talk mean?

We had a fight Friday and I said something wrong and have been trying to apologize ever since. He just ignored me. I tried apologizing. Finally today he messaged saying you need to stop with the apologies. I asked if he...
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There are talks about the 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz” to be remade again?

Do you think they should leave a certain classic like this alone that is untouched and can’t be made like it ever again? The 1939 classic film The Wizard of Oz, widely considered to be one of the greatest movies of all...
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Will posting other girls make her jealous?

This girl did me dirty. We were seeing each other for 2 months. She REALLY liked me, enough to drive 2 hours to see me whenever I wanted her to. Things went very well until the end. We had a brief argument and then she...
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Will I truly ever get over what happened?

I came so close to being a girl's first love and first everything. Back in 2020, I was in a coding forum and met this devout Catholic girl who was homeschooled. She was 17 at the time, almost 18. I remember the very first...
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Have you ever heard of Lucid Dreaming, a dream in which you realize it is a dream? Have you ever tried taking control of the events and create stuff?

Lucid dream is an altered state of consciousness (like trance, hypnosis, or a normal dream) where you are aware that you are in an altered state. You realize that you can take conscious control of events, you can stop...
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Have you ever had a successful long distance relationship?

There are two types of long distance relationships: 1. When you meet, you live near each other, you begin a relationship, and then circumstances lead one of you to move away far enough that you can't see each other on a...
OlderAndWiser u
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Have you ever made an assumption and rejected yourself to avoid the hurt of feeling rejection?

Ex. I'm a black woman and he probably doesn't even talk to black women. I'm a short guy, and she probably only talks to guys who are 6ft or taller. I'm an Asian guy, and she probably doesn't like Asian guys. I'm...
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Can a friendship be restored after they once talk garbage behind your back?

Or is that friendship permanently killed? And that person will never trust you ever again nor like you at all? My boyfriend's adoptive mother was the one talking behind my back for several months. I was friends with...
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Would you ever want to become a celebrity?

I don’t have any talents so it’s not like I would have the opportunity to become famous anyways, but that lifestyle seems absolutely miserable to me lol The public just dehumanizes celebrities so much. You have...
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Will I truly ever get over Rachel?

I met her on a coding forum in June 2020. I can remember our first conversation. I remember her telling me she never had a first love or any romantic bond with a guy before. At the time, she was 17 about to turn 18....
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The girl I was seeing suddenly broke up with me. Will she take me back?

We met a couple of weeks ago and neither of us has ever had such good dates and such chemistry (her words, not mine). On our forth date we slept together a couple of times and the sex was perfect. After 3 days, I sent her...
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Do I have a chance with my crush?

So, the story with my recent crush is that we have barely ever talked despite being classmates for 3 years. Our class interacts a lot in general, but his group's girls are more open to me than his group's guys. The girls...
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