Search Results: Would you date a boy who s virgin

10 Things I Wish To Find In My Future Man

When everyone asks me the typical question, "why do you still not have a bf?" I always say that I am not interested in boys but rather in MEN, which is half the truth, Yes I don't wish to date a boy who doesn't grow a...

6 Deadly Dating Mistakes Guys Commonly Make

Dating is the bane of many a man's existence. Its very common these days to see men, calling themselves "average frustrated chumps"; no matter what they just can't seem to get it right with the ladies and can't understand...

Dating older guys...I've only ever been attracted to older guys

I am going into grade 12 this year and turning 17. I'm reflecting on my highschool years and I've only ever dated/ had flings with older guys. By older I mean guys 18-24. Now I know what you're thinking, that's...

FAQ You Gag! A Collection of Our Beloved Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: This is NOT supposed to offend or hurt anyone's feelings/belief or whatever. This IS supposed to be a nice and funny myTake. However, if you feel hurt, I can't help you, but I can surely help you laugh....

A Closer Look at the "Nice Guy/Girl" in its Natural Habitat: How These Delusional People Get Their Title

I know I'm basically ripping off @ChronicThinker at this point but I just want to add myTake on this... See what I...? Nevermind. This is not to take the piss out of anyone, but I will be very happy if it does regardless....

10 Questions You Are Guaranteed To See on G@G

Ten Questions You Are Guaranteed To See on G@G If you've been on G@G for any length of time, you're bound to see these predictable questions pop up again and again. If you have any suggestions that I missed here, please...

Beauty standards and INCELs, a second look!

It’s time to bring incels back into the discussion today as I focus in on male attractiveness and physical beauty. I have written on this group in the past. But things have become unclear as to what an INCEL is lately,...

Why I Will Be Single Forever

As a child, I used to play quite often with my neighbor’s son. He was one year older than me and I could tell he liked me because whenever it was time to play any team games, he’d always choose me first. And he’d only...

If Women Want To Marry "Up," Then...

I disagree with the practice of marrying someone who is wealthier than oneself. With so many women already in well-paid and comfy positions, the men who are held to even higher expectations are scrutinized for their...

Believe all Women!

Ha! You thought this was going to be a 'metoo' segment. Nope. I have done some research and dove into the numbers. I have come to the conclusion that when a woman says that she "don't need no man" she is telling the...

7 Reasons Why Nice Girls Will Always Finish Last (Satirical Response Take)

* This is a satirical response to 7 Reasons Why Nice Guys Will Always Finish Last . If you take offence, then please take it up with my official complaints committee at *...

My Unique Situation: Why I Think Love is Beyond My Grasp

Oh look, it's yet another of that kind of myTake from those blue gagers, who are [insert anything here ranging from lack of confidence to parents-basement dwelling virgin boys] AGAIN!!! Not exactly. This myTake pretty...

Beauty Trumps All

I have never been a particularly popular girl, and that never matter to me. I was never shy, just always more of a good book, red wine, little black dress girl, than a dancing on tables, fake nails, house party kind of...
Home Chats

The True Origin and Intent of the Term 'INCEL'

Okay, so I came across another #INCEL question (this one asked by a presumably self-labelled INCEL, but it was not specified), and frankly, the responses prompted this take. Some things need to be clarified. Let me first...

Entertainers/Actresses I Admired Over the Years

@LongSchlongSilvr you asked for it bud 😉 Beyonce & Jennifer Lopez For starters, these two had to come first! They got my dream bodies!! Ladies love to hate her, for some reason, some men wouldn’t date her... but I look...

My uneventful dating life and losing desire in pursuing...And what you & I can learn from it, hopefully!

I remember being in the 1st grade and I had a crush on this cute brunette girl, I remember telling her that "I liked her" and her bluntly saying that she liked "someone else". I can't remember the extent of the details...

50 Fave Couples of Mine for Valentine’s

So here’s a take on some fave and not-so-fave tv couples. I’m bringing you a pretty diverse mix of new school and old school. We got black couples, white couples, hispanic couples, interracial couples... all ranging from...

I am NOT defined by my Scars "A Survivors Account"

Caution is advised, continue at your own risk. It is not going to be pretty. Rape is a horrible crime perpetrated against men and women , that has a life long effect on its victims, long after the legal system is...

Ten bisexuality myths that need to die

1. Bisexuals can’t be monogamous I have yet to have someone properly explain to me why this is supposedly the case. As far as I understand it, the logic is that bisexuals are attracted to both men and women, ergo they...

Singles: How your relationship envy is ruining your chances with potential partners

With the trend of "couple goals" still not having fully receded, I feel the urge to address this topic. I used to be affected by relationship envy. Every time I would look at a couple, I‘d think „why can’t I have...