Homophobia And Transphobia Are Not Real


Phobia: A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. (Wikipedia)

Phobia: a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. (Dictionary.com)

Phobia: A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous. (freedictionary.com)

Basically, a phobia is an intense and persistent fear. I admit to having arachnophobia, to a point where just looking at the word sparks images and fear. I am terrified of spiders, I truly am. What I have is a literal phobia of spiders. I do everything in my power to avoid them, not look at them, not touch them. Even though they may be small, nonvenomous, and easy to kill, I whine like a bitch and get my younger brother to do it for me.

Homophobia And Transphobia Are Not Real
Homophobia And Transphobia Are Not Real

However this^^^ does not and can not apply to people who claim to be homophobic or transphobic. They aren't afraid. There's no fear. In a way a phobia can be an extreme dislike, but then thats just a bias. What are they afraid of? Nothing. They're just assholes who choose not to understand, and maybe teach others, what it's like to be discriminated against highly. They are part of the discriminating population that causes the hurt for no reason other than religious interpretation, "natural laws", and just plain ignore they're choosing not to fix. Being homophobic/transphobic is synonymous to racism, which is equally stupid.

Therefore, all who claim homophobia and transphobia are wrong. Just admit to being a shallow asshole because you can't seem to get it through your thick skulls that some things just happen in life, like me being born black and my friend being a straight girl. It's out of peoples control. If you want to hate on people for something they sincerly can't control, and even feel it's okay to butt into their lives to tell them what to do, screams out level 10 bitch who needs to get a life and stay out of other peoples.

If you seriously have an issue, however, go to your local college or online, learn Russian, move to Russia, and keep your ignorant ass there. If you feel it's your "duty" as a good Christian or something to tell me I'm possessed or some shit and need to go to church, good luck getting it through to me. 5 years of this shit from my own family left me numb as hell to all your bullshit, I do get annoyed though I won't lie. Also, mind your business. If I'm not fucking you, it doesn't concern you.

Basically that's my take. I will note, however, that I have nothing against anybody or any particular group EXCEPT those who claim to be this made up word homophobic/transphobic. I can't stand ignorant people with the mindset of a preschooler who is afraid of catching cooties. I think you should be nice, at least talk to a homosexual/transsexual, get a little bit of a viewpoint from our end, and be an ally. We need more in this harsh reality called life.

Homophobia And Transphobia Are Not Real

Need a reason as to why you should be an ally? Well for starters, there's a saying that every girl needs a gay friend. He's like your brother who can give you some kickass fashion advice, cook for you, and beat someones ass for you. For a guy with a lesbian friend? She can get to know girls better for you so you don't look like a complete creep. You got a girl you can go to the club with and bullshit with, and you might see more chicks cause she's female. She's a lesbian. She probably knows a lot of chicks and some straight ones too. Why be friends with a transgender? Well if you friends with an MtF, or dating one, she knows what it's like to be a guy and can maybe better understand you. Same applies for FtM. He'll be the type to say, "Look baby, I literally understand you with you on your period right now." He won't be the type to bitch an moan about why you are how you are, but the type to literally understand it on a personal level.

Now obviously these are stereotypes, but kinda true in a way. But hey, try meeting a few an be friends with some. Be an open-minded ally. And if you have an issue with any of this, please. Go fuck yourself. Now like the picture says, have a gay day.

Homophobia And Transphobia Are Not Real
18 Opinion