I am so mad today. I am just fit to be tied, and at one point just broke and began crying over the frustration I feel the way people handle their technology.
I was going to make a Question, but realized this would be a better Take since I just want to get something off my chest.
Over the last few weeks, I have had to get my ducks in a row to export an item to a very important client in the United States. Me, being organized and efficient, began the process three weeks ago to make sure US Customs wouldn't have an issue with the item. So far, it's been a disaster. They have wanted my item analyzed by different poeple to confirm it's not an illegal piece and have given me a list of about five people to contact. I've contacted them all by phone and email. Everything has gone to voicemail and not one person has called back.
I started to hunt on my own some equivalent contacts and found the same thing - most just don't answer their phones, and those who are in offices and give an "alternate" connection, even those people aren't answering. They also aren't replying to my emails. Finally after trying to reach person after person, I physically went in to an office for a guy to analyze the object and he refused saying I should make an appointment and he didn't have time. I told him I had only three days left til my delivery service could take it. He said, "Well you shouldn't have waited last minute." I snapped. I have been on this for three weeks and to be told I'm not on something really made me lose my shit.
ASIDE FROM THAT.. we are moving in to our new house and I'm trying to get a hold of people (friends and family) to tell them the news, and THEY aren't answering their stupid phones, texts, or emails either. They don't even know it's about moving because I thought if I tell them, they're going to think we're going to ask for help moving when we don't need it. We are also going on a two week vacation to Canada soon and I want to tell them our news of that too. So far.. NOTHING.
It's as if these past three weeks have been a swirling vortex of tearing in to our communication algorithm to prevent people from obtaining or following up on very important information.
Today I just broke. I was on a conference call with our client and felt my tears come on and my voice started to choke my words out because I was half-crying, telling him that a total of 12 fucking people (okay so I didn't actually say "fucking") in this long list of contacts have been unavailable and unable to answer my calls. Stemmed from that, four more have also been unavailable and unable - those that chose to put an alternate contact on their voicemails. He said he was so sorry this whole thing had gotten personal to me. It wasn't even so much that. It's the fact that we're living in a goddam selfish, instant gratification, do-it-later, you're-not-imporatant, I'd-rather-go-eat-twat-cake-than-talk-to-you type of world rather than do your jobs and interact with friends.
Honestly. I'm so mad I could choke a horse. Thanks for reading.
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