100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide


100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

Hi there, lovely. I just thought I would do this because I have seen these around the Internet and I thought I would create my own list of reasons why would should not commit suicide.

I am a suicide survivor. Yes, you read that right. I tried to take my own life once, and failed. I realized how much more I could be doing with my life then trying to end it, so I am going to use my experience to try to help those who need it, and I came up with 100 reasons. There are so many reasons why you should not take your own life, and these are just a few:

1. I, and many others would miss you.

2. It's not worth the regret. Either by yourself because you failed at something, or by the people who just couldn't help you.

3. It does get better eventually, trust me. It may not seem like it now, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

4. There's so much in life that you wouldn't get to experience.

5. There is always a reason to live, and these are just a few of them.

6. There are many people who care about you. It may not seem like it because you are surrounded by toxic thoughts, but it would really hurt them if they found out that you were hurting yourself.

7. You ARE worth it. Do not let anyone, espcially the voice inside your head, make you think otherwise.

8. You are amazing, I thought I should let you know that.

9. One day, once you got through that rough time in your life, you will be thankful that you decided not to end it right then and there because you would be able to experience such great things. You would be dead without experiencing those things.

10. What about all those things you've always wanted to do? What about the things you've planned, but never got around to doing? You can't do them when you're dead. You won't get a second chance at life.

11. I love you. Even if one person loves you, that is still a reason to keep pushing on.

12. You won't be able to listen to music if you die. What about your favorite songs? You won't ever hear them again.

13. Killing yourself is not worth it ever. You'll hurt both yourself and all the people you care about.

14. There are so many people that would miss you, including me, even if I don't know you. I've been in your shoes before.

15. Suicide is final. Once you take your life, that’s it. You have only one life. End it - and you’re done. You will never, ever get a second chance.

16. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died? Let me answer that for you. It wouldn't. They will miss you, even if it doesn't seem like it.

17. You're beautiful, and to someone, you are perfect.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

18. Think about your favorite music artist, you'll never hear their voice again...

19. Living to see the sun rise again for another beautiful day. Get out there and make the most of it.

20. All the memories, the laughs, the smiles....
What if you end up being the one that finds the cure for cancer? Or the one that discovers life on Mars? Or the one that ends up with the most amazing spouse and family? How will you ever know your true potential if you’re not there to experience it. All the people you will never meet, all the lives you won’t touch, all the souls you won’t inspire. The future is a mystery; don’t you want to discover its secrets?

21. Being alive is just really good if you learn to think of the positives.

22. Not being alive is really bad...

23. Finding that special person one day.

24. Waking up to see another day in your warm bed.

25. Friends.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

26. Funny things.

27. Celebrating holidays.

28. Getting to prove the people who doubted you wrong.

29. Watching those assholes who doubted you fail at life.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

30. Being to help out others get through their struggles and misfortunes.

31. Puppies.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

32. Kittens.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

33. Sitting on the rooftops stargazing with someone you care about.

34. Exploring the world, seeing every country that you have yet to see.

35. Seeing nature and how beautiful it is.

36. Who knows, you might win the lottery one day, even if your chance of winning is small.

37. Eating real artisan Italian pizza.

38. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and seeing how small everybody looks.

39. Getting rid of your bad memories and creating new ones.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

40. Literally meeting thousands of new people that you may never see again. Facinating, isn't it?

41. Never getting a chance to talk to your crush. Even if they turned you down, you would die without even trying.

42. Recovering from your depression...You wouldn't even give yourself a chance to recover. You would die without even trying. Do you know how sad that is?

43. Eating ice cream on a hot day.

44. Discovering new planets in the universe.

45. Discovering life on other planets and hopefully travelling there someday.

46. Meeting your favorite celebrity one day.

47. Randomly running into an old friend on the street.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

48. Going outside after it rains.

49. Seeing a beautiful rainbow in person.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

50. What about your favorite movie or televison show? You'll never be able to watch them again. Ever.

51. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,

52. Your survival will make the world better, even if it's for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.

53. People do care, and someone will show that to you one day.

54. Death won’t relieve the pain.
Killing yourself will NOT be a relief to the suffering. When you’re dead, you’re nothing. You no longer exist. If you want relief from your suffering, you have to choose to live. You have to reach out and find the courage to make tomorrow better than today. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope and things will get better. You’re a strong person for living and you give me hope.

55. Look at the children in Africa who are starving. Look at earthquake and tsunami victims who have lost everything. Look at the person next to you. Doesn’t their courage to live, their optimism and their hope inspire you to do the same?

55. Giving and receiving random compliments from strangers.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

56. I don't even know you and I love you.

57. I don't even know you and I care about you.

58. There is only one you, and when your gone, there will never be another person as unique as yourself.

59. This is your story. Don’t end it so soon. Live it to the max and come out a fighter!

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide


61. Stay strong. You are special. You are precious. You have still have so much to give.

62. Hugs.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

63. Feeling the warm breeze on your skin.

64. You have a purpose in life, and it's up to you to discover what that purpose is.

65. You've changed somebody's life for the better.

66. Now you could change the world.

67. You will meet the person that will change your life.

68. No matter how much or how little, you have your entire life ahead of you.

69. You have the chance to save somebody's life.

70. If you end your life right now, you'll never reach your full potential.

71. Freshly baked cookies.

72. Hot steamy showers on cold winter nights.

73. Overcoming your fears.

74. Life is what you make of it, so make the best out of it.

75. Everybody has a talent. Find yours if you haven't already.

76. Laughing so hard that you can hardly breathe.

77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy. Try to be happy for the people who care about you.

78. This world would not be the same without you. You matter.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

79. Hearing the beat of your own heart, knowing that you are still alive.

80. Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

81. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. Be your own hero.

82. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

83. One day, that smile will be a real smile. Not a fake one.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

84. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.

85. Chocolate.

86. Road trips.

87. Trying new things.

88. Staying up all night will someone you love.

89. Sleeping in all day.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

90. Creating something new that you are proud of.

91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and being proud you didn't end your life right then and there.

92. Being able to meet your Internet friends in real life.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

93. Making someone else's day.

94. Stay strong, because you will get through this.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

95. Cuddles.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

96. Acting like an idiot and public and not caring who sees you.

97. Being so happy that you don't have a care in the world.

98. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?

99. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 100 reasons for you not to end your life.

100. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn't seem so great right now, literally anything could happen. Keep living and find out how great your life can be. And remember, stay strong. <3

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide

Inspiration from Tumblr has helped me write this take.

100 Reasons To Why You Shouldn't Commit Suicide
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