4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

I've attempted suicide twice and the worst part of the aftermath was not that my loved ones said they'd miss me through tears, but that my own mother decided to guilt me the day after I told them (I did wait two years but that is another story) and I don't know if I will ever forgive her.

Here are things you should NEVER say to someone who is recovering from a suicide attempt.

1. Suicides go to Hell

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

This is my favorite here because it shows the person actually hasn't read the Bible or is completely twisting it. So the biggest one that people use to justify it is the sixth commandment. Now in the nice and tidy King James Bible it simply says thou shalt not kill. The problem is that this is a fucking awful translation of the original commandment; the original word wasn't kill but "Retzach," which was never used in the context of war, as it is generally accepted to actually be "Murder" but King James and his scholars weren't that good at translating (other parts that got fucked up throughout the years through translation include the verse in Leviticus referring to homosexuals, which was originally about prostitution. A harsh punishment for prostitution yes, about gay people, no.)

Now Suicide is NOT murder and they are very different things, murder is killing someone else. Now furthermore there are Suicides in the Bible. The biggest one is actually Samson whose suicide was an act of divine intervention in his favor. So stop using this phrase.

2. Suicide is Selfish

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

People who say this REALLY don't understand the thought process of those who are suicidal. You know that phrase, 'abandon hope all ye who enter' A person who is suicidal already has no hope. They feel like they truly are already in hell. All you are doing is trying to not feel guilty when you see someone who is suffering horribly.

3. People who commit suicide are weak

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

Depression is caused by problems in the brain. Let's say your friend has brain cancer. Is your friend weak because he has an illness he cannot control? This is pretty much the same thing. A person who commits suicide is not weak and I'd wager that people with depression are stronger than most people. People like me endure hell on earth, at times our very mind essentially wants to kill us. That's not something a healthy person has to deal with.

4. Just get over it

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)

If I could just get over it I would. Now considering mental illness is an illness same as any, I'd support a law that enabled anyone who suffers from depression and is told by another person to "just get over it, its all in your head" to kick that person in the balls and tell them, "just get over it, it's all in your balls." You don't tell a cancer patient to just get over it, so don't tell that to a person with mental illness.

Things that you SHOULD say to a suicide attempt survivor

1. I will never judge you.

2. I'm here if you need me.

3. I don't want you to die.

4. I'm glad you are alive and someday I hope you are happy you are alive too.

To anyone who is going to complain about the trigger warning because of "stupid political correctness," consider this a preemptive fuck you.

4 Things You Should Never Say to a Suicide Attempt Survivor (Trigger Warning)
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